1- Phase 1

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Y/N's pov

I arrived at my house at 11 PM, I thought I was going to arrive later, but I rather be home earlier than later. I say hello to my mother (yes, I still live with her), and then got to my room. I took out my phone and called Mark just to tell him I arrived home ok, because, if I don't, he gets worried for some reason.

"Hey" I say, as soon as he picks up.

"Hi Y/N!" He says enthusiastically "you arrived home ok princess? He asks, worried as I told you.

"Yeah thankfully. How about the guys, have they left already?" I ask, actually curious, because I left 1 hour ago, and thought they'd be home already.

"Most of them, Haechan and Jungwoo are still here, discussing if the movie was good or actually bad" I laugh at the comment. I could hear screaming in the background, but all that mattered in that moment was Mark. "Oh, before I forget, do you wanna come eat at my house tomorrow? You know, just the two of us, alone"

"Why?" I asked, I felt it was all of the sudden and without a reason so I had to ask. "What's the occasion?"

"Idk, I just wanted to spend time with my princess and not worry about 8 big babies" I laughed as I heard Haechan and Jungwoo being mad for the nickname being gave by Mark "Anyways, you comming?"

"Sure! I don't see why not" I shrugged the randomness off and just agree, there's nothing I like more that seeing my boyfriend happy.

"Cool, see you tomorrow!" Mark said and then he hung up.

I was still left a little sour after that. Something is off, I can tell, and I don't know wether it's good or bad.

I guess I'll know tomorrow.

Mark's pov

Ok, phase 1 (inviting Y/N to dinner) was complete.

I felt a little bad lying to Y/N though, it felt like I felt a hole inside my stomach, and I'm pretty sure that sensation was guilt.

Guilt of not being able to tell her earlier.

Guilt of lying to her through a phone call, or even on her face.

Guilt of not being protecting her 24/7, as she could be on danger at any time, because I don't know when will the enemy attack.

Now, the only thing I can do is wait 'till phase 2, which is her comming over for dinner.

Then comes phase 3, drop the bomb and tell her that I am that leader of a gang.

And, finally, phase 4, which is telling her to live with me, so I can do what I couldn't be able to do for the past years, protect her.

After that, I don't know. Maybe get married, have babies, buy a bigger house, etc.

I was so thrilled, yet so nervous. I knew she won't leave me, but what if she does. What if she DOES leave me for someone named Jungkook, or Baekhyun, or Jimin, or...

"Hey, Mark?" Haechan spoke, taking me out of my thoughts "Are you okay? You seem worried" Haechan said, with Jungwoo nodding.

"Yeah, just nervous" I said. I couldn't lie to them, after all, they were here to help me.

"You don't have to be" Jungwoo said. "All you have to do is tell her whenever you feel is the right time". I nod in response.

Man, what would I do without my friends.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now