12- Rescued

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Y/N's pov

At this point, I could feel that Jungkook was slowly loosing his mind. He was getting angrier by the second.

I was still waiting for Mark, hoping that he arrives soon and that he didn't just leave me here.

On the couple of hours that I've been here, I realized that being rescued might take days, even weeks, and Jungkook might kill me by then.

Jungkook cupped my face with the angriest look I've ever seen him on. "Listen here you little b!tch, I am losing my patience, and you are not helping, so either you colaborate, or sooner or later, you end up dead, got it?" He said and I was getting scared.

Scared that he might as well do it, that he will kill me, and Mark will wrrive here just to see my cold dead body on the ground, and he would loose his fiancee and unborn child.

"No response? Ok, what if I kill your unborn child instead?" He said, taking out his gun and pointing it at my stomach, while I had my eyes widen in surprise.

I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy except for Mark, so how would Jungkook know?

"Yes, I know about this little creation of you and Mark, and I might as well kill it" said Jungkook, while I was starting to cry, thinking I would loose my baby.

Suddenly, gun shots were heard across this place.

"Shit" I heard Jungkook whisper, as he got up and locked the door.

"Right on time, you know? I would like to see Mark's face as I pull the trigger, causing your unborn baby's death, that would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?" He chuckled.

Mark's pov

I check every room in this abandoned house, hoping to find Y/N. That's when I reached a locked door.

This must be it.

I shoot at the door's lock and enter, seing how Jungkook had Y/N in one arm, pointing his gun at her with the other one.

"Let her go you son of a b!tch!" I yelled, making him chuckle.

"You wouldn't dare to shoot, at least not knowing where she's at right now" Jungkook said and, I hate to say it, but he's right, I wouldn't. At least not knowing that he can just use her as a human sheild, and that would kill my fiancee, and my baby.

"You're right, I wouldn't" I say, putting my gun down. What he doesn't know, is that I'm still pointing at his leg, and when he doesn't expect it, he's gone.

Jungkook starts pulling his gun down slowly, and drops it on the floor safely. I then chuckled, knowing the mistake he just made.

"What's so funny Mark? I win, and you loose" he said confused but proud.

"You have no idea, don't you?" I said, and the shot his leg, making him to let go Y/N.

"You have so much to learn Jungkook, but, you won't" I said as I ponted my gun to his head, as Y/N ran behind me, and Jungkook fell to the floor and chuckled.

"No Mark, you haven't won yet" He said, laying on the ground. He quickly picked up his gun, and pointed at me.

Then, silence fell upon us. There was not a single sound in the whole building. He then chuckled, breaking the silence.

"Well, it was nice seing you again Mark, but I have to go" he said, to then point at Y/N, shoot her in the leg making me loose my focus on him, and when I realized, he was gone.

I then ran up to Y/N. Her leg was bleading. I called for help and, shortly after, Taeil came in, as he heard a gunshot.

Taeil bandaged Y/N's leg, but just in case, I carried her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around me, and then whispered a 'thank you' in my ears.

And with that, we went home.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now