10- Missing

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Mark's pov

We arrived at the house and my back was still in pain due to my unexpected meeting with Jungkook.

As soon as we entered, I called a house meeting, but I told Y/N not to come, because I don't want her to alarm.

We all entered and I began speaking. "Everybody, I have some news. Today, on my picnic with Y/N, I've encountered Jungkook and I found out what his plan is." I took a deep breath before continuing. "Basically, from what I was told by Jungkook himself, he just wants everything that I have, that including Y/N. He told me to watch my back and to protect Y/N who I belive is now in the bathroom." I said and they all were between surprised and serious.

"Starting tomorrow, some of us will take turns to watch over Y/N because I can't do it all by myself. Got it?" I asked with the most serious face I've worn in my life.

"The order will go as follows:
1- Mark, so I will go first

2- Taeyong because you are probably her best friend

3- Haechan because you seem to have a really strong relationship

4- Jungwoo, same reason as Haechan

5- Jaemin because she seems to really like you.

6- Ten, same reason as Haechan and Jungwoo.

7- Lucas because you guys seem to be a good pair.

8- Doyoung because I know you really like her

9- Jisung because you guys seem to have a lot in common

10- Renjun, same reason as Jisung

Remember this order, because we will follow it as said." I said and Ten looked at me like he had something to say.

"What if one of us is on a mission?" Ten asked, a really good question by the way. "What then?"

"Fortunately, I already have a solution planned. If any of you is busy, weather it's a mission or something else, I will be there instead of you, and if I am busy, then the next person in the order will be there, got it? Also, everyone else, even though you aren't part of this, I still want you to keep an eye out for Y/N." I said, clearing all the doubts left in the room.

"Anyone else?" I asked and they all looked to their sides before shaking their heads. "Ok! So you can all go do whatever you were doing before this meeting." I said and they all got up and left.

I went to my and Y/N's room just to see if she was there and to my surprise, she wasn't.

I frown in confusion, where is she? I left our room and asked everyone if they had seen her... nothing.

I was begining to worry, I didn't know where she was. That's when it happened, they dropped the bomb, those motherfuck3rs.

I went to the main door to see if she was in the front yard, and I saw a little envelope at my feet just when I was about to open the door.

I grabbed it quickly and examinated it, it had no signature, no addresse, no anything.

I opened it out of curiosity, and what I saw, was infuriating. I held in my hand a picrure of Y/N, tied in a chair, with Jungkook posing behind.

That's it.

I am killing that bastard.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now