9- The picnic

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Mark's pov

The car was filled with silence once she dropped the bomb. It wasn't an akward silence though, it was just that I couldn't belive what I was hearing.

We arrived at the park, but we didn't left the car yet. I had to take a moment to process what was going on.

"When did you find out?" I asked, thrilled of the idea of being a father.

"Well... five or six minutes after locking myself up in the bathroom" She said, and I just laughed. "I would've told you earlier, but you went out to do something, I don't know what though"

I chuckled at her words. "All will be revealed soon princess. Just wait and see" I said and, with that, we got out of the car and into the park.

"What will we name them? I propose Mark jr. If it's a boy" I said joking

"There's no way we name our son (if it's a boy of course) Mark jr" She said laughing. "I don't know why, but I like the name Rose, for a girl obviously" she said and I nodded before sitting down in the grass.

Once sitted, I began taking the things out of the basquet, one by one, leaving the little black box inside.

"Well, as you can see, I packed your favourites." I said while pointing and explaining my desicion for each fruit/snack.

(Author here to remind you that if you don't like little dettails that bearly affect to the story, you can change them :) you can also change the babies name, it will affect the story, but not that much)

We sat and eated for a while, enjoying the fresh air and each other's company.

Once the food was almost over, I decided to finnaly do what I wanted to do for the past 8 years, since we met basically.

(Author here again lol, I wanted to clarify that Mark is 22, Y/N is 21 and they met in high school. So Mark was 16 and Y/N 15)

"Y/N, I want to say something before we go." I said, and she looked at me curious.

"Since we met, I told all of my friends 'that's the girl I want to marry' and since then, I've been thinking of the most appropriate time to confess my love and to finnaly say this" I said while taking the little black box from the basquet and opening it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "So... Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" I asked her, waiting for a response, untill she finnaly started nodding while crying non-stop.

I put the ring on her ring finger and then we kissed passionately, like the day I confessed my love to her.

We stopped kissing and we started picking our stuff up, I was still smiling because of the beautiful day that I had, and I thought that nothing could go wrong now.

We packed the things on the back of the car and that's when I felt something, or maybe better to say someone watching me.

I turned around to see him again, Jeon Jungkook, with his cocky smile and dressed all in black.

"Princess. Get in the car, I'll be right back" She nodded and did what I just told her to do.

I locked the car, just in case Jungkook was just a distraction, and then went up to him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the one and only Mark Lee" he said and I just wanted to punch him straight away.

"What do you want you piece of sh!t" I said in now a serious tone. I can't stand that son of a b!tch.

"Woah, don't you want to chat first?" He asked in a cocking tone and I just looked at him with a straight face. "Hmmm, I see"

He then grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me up, and pushed my back to the nearest tree. "You see Mark, I want everything you have, including Y/N, so you better watch your back, 'cause if you don't, you'll loose her." He said, letting me go, and then he walked away.

I returned to the car with a straight face. I am not going to let him lay a hand on my beautiful princess, not even a finger.

I enetered the car and looked at Y/N.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, genuinely worried for me, as she saw my expression.

I then pu on a fake smile and just nodded, and we were off to home.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now