7- I think I'm...

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Y/N's pov

I woke up from a really strange dream. I somehow heard my dead father's voice talking about an unborn baby, and now I can't stop thinking he was talking about me.

Now, I want to keep it a secret until I know for sure. But the thing is, I can't. According to the new rules in this house, I can't go out without someone by my side.

I looked at my left, to see Mark waking up slowly. I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing him. If anyone finds out by shopping, I rather it being the father of the baby.

"Hey babe..." I started a conversation.

"What is it princess?" He asked in a deep voice, due to him just waking up.

"You know, since I can't go out alone because of this bts gang, I was wondering if you could come with me to buy some things I need." I said and he agreed.

I didn't want to tell him yet about my dream, since I told him last night about the 'being kidnapped by Jungkook' dream.

I just put on some simple clothes and I felt underdressed when I saw Mark in a black suit, and with that, we went to the closest pharmacy.

Once we were there, we went through all the aisles getting all the things I need, untill we reached the pregnancy tests. I stopped both mentaly and phisically and grabbed one. Mark didn't see me though, he was distracted with god knows what.

We went to the cashier and that's when Mark noticed the pregnancy test. His eyed widen and he grabbed and squeezed my hand. I looked at him smiling and I pecked him. I suddenly felt watched, out of nowhere. I looked to to my right, hoping that I would turn to see nothing, and I was... right? I shrugged it off and continued paying.

Mark's pov

I saw the pregnancy test and saying that I was thrilled isn't enough to expressed how I felt.

I grabbed Y/N's hand and sqeezed it toexpress that I hope it gives positive, and I think she got the gesture, because she looked at me and then gave me a peck in the lips.

I couldn't stop looking at her. She was just perfect in every way. What worried me though, was that she suddenly looked to her right while paying.

I think she didn't saw him, but there he was, mister Jeon Jungkook, taking pictures inside a bush. I gave him a dead glare but Y/N started pulling me, as we were leaving the pharmacy.

As we entered the car, I asked Y/N something I hope she would say yes to...

"Do you think it will go positive?" I asked and she nodded.

"Hopefully, anyways, was I the only one feeling watched as we were paying? I don't know why, but I felt like someone was watching me, I turned, but didn't see anybody."

"So you didn't see him." I muttered as I put my hand on ger thigh.

"What was that?" She asked so innocently.

"Nothing" I responded, not wanting her to stress right now. Plus, she might be stressing over that dream she had about someone she belives is Jungkook, and seeing him might not be good for her.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now