Author's note pls read 😅

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Author here 😗✌just to say that I finished and published the sequel, and it's call "Awake"

Obviously it takes place in the future, since Y/N was left in a coma at the end of this story, but what you don't know it's that it takes place more than one year later from this story.

Things I want to get clear for all of those who will read the sequel:

- Jaemin has a crush on Y/N, but he is to shy to confess, and also can't because Mark is with Y/N.

- I had some ideas for these stories that didn't make it through such as 'Jungkook has a boss that we don't know ad he ends up betraying said boss' or maybe 'Someone from the nct gang dies in the hands of Jimin' but I wasn't able to do the second one because I'm too weak and emotional.

- Mark visits Y/N everyday, crying just at her sight in a coma. One day everyone comes with him and, seeing that Mark had left some notes, they all left one note from each of them.

- Said notes actually reveal some secrets about each member:

Taeil reveals that he always looked for validation from a lot of people, but only Y/N seemed to be the one who actually gave him the validation he was looking for.

Johnny reveals his dirty secret, which is that when he is alone, he gives himself a hand job thinking about the guys.

Taeyong confesses that, even after all these years from knowing eachother and knowing that Y/N can (sort of) fight for herself, he will always try to protect her, no matter what.

Yuta at first doesn't take the letter serious (he said at the start of it something like 'my secret is that I'm a vampire' or something like that), but then he lets his gaurd down and starts revealing a lot of deep personal secrets.

Kun reveals that, whenever he has free time, he goes to conventions, dressed as anime characters.

Doyoung confesses to Y/N that he always felt safe and warm when he was with her, and also he felt like their relationship was like a 'brother and sister' type.

Ten tells Y/N that he sometimes had feelings for her, but all of the other time, he looked at her like a best frend

Jaehyun doesn't take the letter seriously, AT ALL. He jokes about being the 'gorgeous one' in the group and he calls himself a lot of good names like: sexy, good looking, stunning, etc. But he did it to make Y/N feel better after she wakes up.

Winwin reveals that he sometimes wishes he wasn't the 'quiet one', and expresses that Y/N made him feel like he wasn't quiet and she gave room for his opinion.

Junwoo, as the iconic human being he is, tells Y/N everything that she is missing on while she is on a coma (everithing being saw by his pov).

Lucas does literally the same  as Jaehyun, but making it longer and changing the words.

Xiaojun reveals that he says he tries to be funny, when in reality he doesn't.

Hendery reveals that he actually tries so hard to be funny, only for all people (except Y/N) to not laugh at his jokes.

Renjun reveals that he has some unsolved issues with his family, and that he hopes that Y/N could help him to solve said issues.

Jeno confesses that he only is nice to everyone just because he wants them to like him, except for Y/N, who he truly treats nicely because he actually likes her.

Haechan expresses that he always saw Y/N like a big sister, and wishes she wakes up so that they could continue their relationship like it was.

Jaemin confesses the huge crush he has on her, and also reveals that he feels guilty about something, but doesn't tell what it is (we learn about it on the second book, so read it if you feel curious).

Yangyang tells Y/N that, when he first saw her, he felt like that was the woman of his dreams, and as time went by, those feelings got stronger, but he hid them, thinking that she would reject him.

Shotaro expresses that, even though he is quite new to the gang, Y/N made him feel like he was always a part of it.

Sungchan tells Y/N the same as Shotaro, but longer and actually taking depth into these feelings

Chenle reveals that he reads Y/N's diary just for fun (or at least he did until she entered the coma).

Jisung expresses that, even though he was the youngest, Y/N always takes it out of the picture when it comes to him and his opinion.

End of notes to take in mind for the sequel

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now