13- Home

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Mark's pov

Once we were in  my car, Y/N told me everything. I feel bad for leaving her alone and not rescuing her right away.

In the middle of the story telling, she started crying, and I just had to pull over and comfort her.

"Hey, I'm here. Let all of tjose bad feelings get out of your body with your tears" I said, and she hugged me really tight. I hugged her back, and I reminded her that everything will be okay from now on. Nothing or nobody will keep us apart from now on. Not even death itself.

Before I continued driving, I texted the guys that were supposed to help me take care of Y/N that now it won't be necesary, but if someone would like to talk to her, or even take care of her, they can.

We arrived more that safely to our new home. I took a deep breath and look at Y/N. She looked at me and I smiled. I tucked some of her hair behing of her ear, and then kissed her very passionately.

That kiss lasted forever, and I loved every second of it.

Y/N broke the kiss and I groaned. "Come onnn... why did you break it?" I said kind of annoyed.

"Everyone is waiting for us, we can't keep them waiting, or can we?" I rolled my eyes as I knew she was right. If we had left them alone, god knows what would happen.

We exited the car and went inside, to be greeted by everyone. They all seemed to be worried for Y/N, but not as much as I was.

We decided we had to celebrate, not only for saving Y/N, but my princess and I had planned on telling everyone that Y/N is eating for 2, and also that we are getting married.

I still don't know how they didn't realized the last thing since she's been wearing the ring since I proposed, but not my problem.

Time skip since I don't know what to write as the preparation for the party :/

The party came upon us and we were exited. Non alcoholic drinks were served since, you know, Y/N's pregnant, but they still seemed to enjoy the party.

The party wasn't the biggest since all the furniture just came in and we didn't want to break any, but, at some point, we sat down at the dinner table and I started to clash carefully my fork with my glass.

"Greetings everyone, I just wanted to say a couple of thing if that's alright. First, I would like to thank everyone for helping on the rescue, I think it was very noble for you to do. Second of all, and this is just news, if you see closely at Y/N's hands, you'll see she has an engagement ring, that is indeed because we are getting married. And the last thing, and the very reason we are getting married is that... Y/N'S PREGANANT" I said and they all cheered and clapped to our happiness. "So cheers, to us" I raised my glass and so did everyone.

What a great night.

(Author here 😗✌ I wanted to apologize if there's any spelling mistakes if there are any lol but it's because I am really tired as I am writing this, and yeah, that. ALSO, I kinda want to do a smut chapter wich I think will be the bext one, but if you don't want to read it, don't, it won't affect in any way the story, but if you want to read it, you are so very welcome 😉)

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now