4- Next mission

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Y/N's pov

I felt trapped. I couldn't see anything because of something covering my eyes (probably a piece of cloth). As I was trying to figure out what was going on, I felt as someone approched me. Their hand starting removing the piece of cloth in my eyes, and just as I was about to see their face...

I woke up.

I was sweating from the horrible nightmare. I looked to my right just to see Mark, he was sleeping like a baby. Suddenly, all of my worries went away as I remembered yesterday, and how Mark said he will be protecting me 24/7.

I wanted to do something sweet for Mark. I felt like Ineeded to, to pay him for the dinnr yesterday, and for being an amazing boyfriend. So I got up, and went to the kitchen.

I decided I wanted to do Mark's favourite: my special pancakes.

I got out the ingredients and began to cook.

Time skip cu z I'm lazy to write a whole cooking scene

I turn off the stove, and began decorating the dish. I placed the pancakes on a dish and began placing little strawberries cutted in heart shapes so that it would look cute.

Since it wa summer, I went and bought some watermelons I brought here yesterday as a gift for Mark, but I grabbed those, and turned them in watermelon juice.

I placed the dishes on the table, and just as I was going to wake up Mark, he appeared in only his underwear. I smiled blushing at the sight I had, and he just chuckled once he saw my blushing face.

Mark's pov

I got up and when to the living room to see Y/N had made breakfast and some watermelon juice. I look at her and I see she's blushing, so I just chuckled and ealked up to her.

"Morning princess" I said in a sleepy voice before kissing her. "How did my little strawberry sleep?" I asked, picking her up, as I placed my head on her neck  and started kissing it.

"Good" she said shortly, but something was off. She wasn't telling the truth. I shrugged it off thinking she just had a nightmare. And continued kissing her neck.

Shestopped me eventually, because she had made my favourite pancakes for breakfast, and we sat down to eat.

We were quiet while eating. I feel like our relationship had grown so much, that the silence was actually not awkward, it was actually nice.

After eating, I did my normal routine, and shortly after finishing, someone was knocking on the door. I immediately knew who it was, as today, me and the boys were disscussing the next mission.

As soon as I opened the door, all 22 of them were entering and went directly to the meeting room. Y/N just stood there, as all nct went directly to the meeting room, with only the sub-unit 127 stopping to say hello to her, and asking her if I had told her, in response to that question, she just nodded, and they continued their track to the meeting room.

Shortly after was on said room, me and Y/N entered the room and she closed the door and stood there, while I went infront of the screen, where the mission details were about to appear.

"Ok everyone, It's time for our next mission." I said, clicking the button on the remote just to change the slide on the presentation.

"Our next mission, will be related to the new gang on the streets called Bangtan Sonyeondan or BTS, for short. As you may know, this gangis recently new to the gang stuff, but this one and it's members are really dangerous." I said to everyone. They all had blank faces, but Y/N, however, was really amazed by all of this.

"Here's all we know about the members..."

(Author here, I just want to say that I actually know who takes what role in both nct and bts, but the leader is going to change, you'll see now)

"1) Kim namjoon: he is basically the strategist of the group, he plans all of their strategies to garantee the victory.

2) Kim seokjin: he is the distractor of the group, basically being human bait untill he takes out his gun and shoots anyone on his way.

3) Min Yoongi: the hacker of the group, despite him not having any physical advantage over the enemy, his smart traits will garantee him a victory.

4) Jung Hoseok: he is the medic of the group, healing anyone in his gang who got hurt and keeping them alive.

5) Park Jimin: one of the wild cards of the gang, weather it's with a gun or with a spoon, he will kill you, whetever it takes.

6) Kim Taehyung: the other wild card in the gang. The same as Jimin applies to him.

7) Jeon Jungkook: the leader and most dangerous of the gang. He can manipulate you, and then use you to do whatever he wants if you let your guard down."

I finish this and I noticed Y/N checking the leader out. I don't know what she saw on him, but her eyes widen and she excused herself, leacing the room almost instantly.

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