2- The Date

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Mark's pov

I woke up the next morning, feeling super nervous, because today was the day I tell Y/N everithing.

I take a deep breath, thinking to myself that everything will be fine, and also praying that she won't leave me.

I got up from my bed, and started the usual routine. After just washing my teeth and taking a quick shower, I went to the kitchen and had breakfast when I realised, I have no ingredients to cook for Y/N.

I was thinking of an omelette (just because is the only thing I know how to cook), but the thing is, I didn't eant to make an ordinary omelette, I wanted to do this:

I was thinking of an omelette (just because is the only thing I know how to cook), but the thing is, I didn't eant to make an ordinary omelette, I wanted to do this:

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Of course, I have no idea how to make the bear, but I'll come up with someting.

Another thing that worried me was, me taking the day off. I left Taeyong in charge, but I am not really sure I made the right decision.

I quickly went for an ingredient hunt, and got back home pretty early. Almost too early. I didn't know what to do the rest of the day, so I thought some sort of way to make the process of telling Y/N my secret easier.

I quickly called her, just to ask if she was free the whole day, wich she was.

"Why don't you spend the whole day with me! I took the day off and now I don't know what to do..." I said, telling her the truth, but not all of it.

"Yeah! I guess I'll come over." She said and shortly after, we hung up.

Everithing was going smoothly. I had the ingredients, I had my princess for myself all day long, and most importantly, I had a plan.

1 hour later

Y/N arrived and I was thrilled. I almost looked like a little kid at christmas. We didn't do anything interesting other than watch a movie and a make out session, but then, dinner time came upon us.

I went to the kitchen stopping our make out session (trust me, you don't hate it as much as I do), and tryied my best to cook the dinner I had planned.

At the end, since I didn't knew how to do the bear that was supposed to be made of rice, I just drew with ketchup a little nice bear :).

At the end, it looked like this:

I put some broccoli on the side and Voilà! There it was

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I put some broccoli on the side and Voilà! There it was. I hold my laugh as I delivered it to the table (now decorated with candles and a rose as a center decoration), and as soon as she saw it, she laughed in awe.

"Awwe" she spoke. "A little bear! Thank you for ummm... trying your best to make this cute dinner" She said and we both laughed.

She wasn't wrong and at least she complimented it saying it was cute and delicious when she tryied it.

Some time later

Dinner was almost over and I wanted to tell Y/N about the "situation", so I just spoke.

"Y/N" I said, putting my hand on hers. "There's something I need to tell you, and I've been meaning to since years." I said and, as soon as I said the last part, her smiling face went into a serious, almos about to cry face.

"Mark, I swear to god, if you are about to say you cheated on me, I will cry and leave this building immediately" she said, and I was confused.

"Babe, what? no! I'll never do that!" I said while I stood up from my chair and approached her, caresing her hand. "What I meant to say is that I..."

I took a deep breath, and just let it drop.

"I am a gang leader."

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now