5- The man with the tattooed hands

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Y/N's pov

Mark finished talking and the man left on the screen was Jeon Jungkook, the leader of the bts gang.

I was normal then, untill I saw his hands. Those hands brought me back to last night's nightmare. I could recognize those hands anywhere.

I excused myself and went out of the room for a minute. I couldn't belice my eyes. I took a deep breath and as I was about to enter, Taeyong came out.

"Hey, you okay?" He said and I just nodded. "Then why did you widen your eyes when you saw that Jungkook guy, and then left the room? You had us all worried!"

"Ok, I'll tell you, but promise me you'll keep it a secret." I spoke and he just nodded. "So, last night I had a nightmare, in wich I was tied to a chair with a piece of cloth covering my eyes. Suddenly, I felt someone walking to me, and I could see tattooed hands."

"So?" Taeyong asked, as if I hadn't make it obvious yet.

"Jungkook has the same tattooes on his hands, so maybe he is the man in my dream." I exclaimed.

"Oohhh" Taeyong said, face-palming himself because ge didn't caught it before. "Ok... your secret is safe with me." He said making me relieved.

Mark's pov

As soon as Y/N left, I continued.

"A couple days ago, these photos arrived to me in an envelope that had bts on it as some sort of signature, and that just means that Y/N might be followed by them." I said as I showed the pictures of Y/N being stalked on the screen. I am worried. I don't want her to be taken away from me. That's the last thing I want in this world, loosing the one I love.

"How can we help boss?" Ten said, his intentions being as clear as water. "I think we all want to help, right guys?" Ten spoke again, making everyone nod, and shortly after, Taeyong and Y/N entered again.

I recapped for Taeyong and Y/N. My princess was so confused onto why was she being followed and, to be honest, so was I. We never screwed with bts before, so this was out of nowhere.

She was just staring blankly at the pictures, while I continued. "I appreciate how you all want to help, however, I'm not sure how you can." I said and they all gasped.

"What if we all move into one big house big enough for the 24 of us." Jaemin stated and I've never been so proud of him. "If we all live together, it would be harder for them to take Y/N away from us." He smiled brightly

"How about having double amount if rooms (so 48 rooms in a house, don't know how though) so we can have space for some fun rooms like a little movie theatre, or even a man cave" Jisung said, however, I didn't know how it could be possible, so I just said "I'll try" even though I knew I never would.

Basically, we had another plan. Operation "save Y/N from being kidnapped by bts" was now in action.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now