3- Plan successful

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Mark's pov

"I am a gang leader." I said, droping the bomb.

"Mark" Y/N spoke. "Are you messing with me?" She said, and I was confused by her reaction. "You mean to tell me that Mr. Mark Lee, Mr. Bear hugger, Mr. Protect his girl from any danger, Mr. I have a lot of friends, is a gang leader?" She asked and I just nodded. "Why are you telling me this?" She asked, and I couldn't lie to her.

"Because I may have, or may have not, put you in danger by posting our relationship all over social media" I spoke, not knowing how she would react.

She was just sitting there, silent. Untill she finally spoke. "Can I see?" She asked me.

"See what?" I asked confused. I am not sure if she wants to see my weapons, or my social media, or any proof about me being in a gang.

"Well, you've always got this room wich you've never let me in and, by what you just told me, I can only assume it's a weapon room or something like that." She spoke, with me nodding in response. I forgot about that room comepletely, well I didn't forget, but I wasn't planning on her to ask to see the room.

We walked through my house untill we reached this dark wood door, locked, of course, and I took out the keys and opened it. What Y/N didn't know tho, was that said room wasn't only one room, it was actually two.

The first room, being the operation base, when me and the guys discuss our missions and, you know, gang stuff.

The second, however, was the room we kept all of our weapons. They were hung in the red (wallpapered, obviously) walls.

Y/N was amazed, she looked like a little girl on her birthday. She comes up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you for telling me the truth, and, are all of your friends part of this gang? Because, if they are, I'm gonna kick their asses for not telling me."

I just laughed and explain the whole plan to her and, while we were at it, I asked her to move in with me, and she accepted (thank god).

She, then excused herself to have a phone call with her mother, to tell her why is she making the decision (without telling her I'm on a gang, she's not crazy!). Thankfully, her mother understood completely, since she knew this moment was comming sooner, or later.

After that phone call, she came up to me, and she just kissed me. I couldn't belive what was happening. Y/N accepted me for who I am, and she was moving with me.

I couldn't belive it, but the plan was successful.

"Wait" Y/N said. "Shouldn't you tell the guys that I know their secret now?" She asked. Oh, I just love how cute and innocent she was.

"There's two options:
1) I'll tell them now
2) I'll text them tomorrow" I said

"Hmmm, let's do number 2. Tonight, I wanna get nasty" She smirked,Oh I love this girl.

Not doing smut, so let's say a time skip would be best for all of us

I woke up the next morning with a big smile. I couldn't belive what just happened last night. I look to my right and...

She wasn't there.

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now