14- Don't leave me

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(Author here again 😗✌I want to say that, if you didn't read the last chapter:
1) I am so proud of you
2) it will be mentioned in this chapter but, again, it doesn't affect the story in the least, so no need to read it.
That's all 😄)

Mark's pov

I woke up feeling amazing, everything about last night was perfect. I look at Y/N sleeping. She looks like an angel.

I kiss her forehead and get up to get breakfast. To my surprise, Ten is there deapite it being 8 am.

"Hey Ten, when did you get up?" I asked him.

"Mark! I just woke up, which is totally weird considering everyday I wake up at 9, but who cares. How did you sleep?" Ten asked me and I smirked as I got out my breakfast.

"So, last night, let's say I ate some dessert at my room" I said and winked at Ten, who was just amazed by what I had just told him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Y/N came in the kitchen and yawned almost after saying that.

"Nothing" me and Ten said in unison and we laughed.

So umm, I will throw a big time skip, because I have no material to write about 10 months... so yeah, let's do a 10 month time skip lol

10 months passed now since our last encounter with bts. So, Rose (or however you'd like to call her and yes, it't a she) was born, and now we are getting married!

I can't express with words how happy I am. My life has basically come together and I couldn't be happier.

I waited for my soon-to-be-wife to walk down the aisle and, there she was, the most beautiful woman in the world, looking prettier than normal.

We happily said our vows and we were married. But, just as I was about to kiss my beloved wife, a gunshot was heard in the background and, before I knew it, Y/N had a hole on her stomach.

Taeil came as fast as he could to help Y/N. Luckily, he managed to save her, but she was damaged so bad, she actually went in a coma.

Thank god she wore a corset, because if she hadn't, she would have been killed. But, why having all the days to atack, you had to do it on our wedding?

I swear to god, next time I see that b!tch  Jungkook, he will end up with a bullet going through his skull, killing him, and he will pay for all he's done to my precious Y/N.

"Princess..." I began, about to tear up, as I saw her laying on her bed, on a coma. "I will make that son of a b!tch Jungkook pay for what he's done. When you wake up, we will have the wedding that was interrupted, and we will finnaly be together again" I said with my cheeks being stained by my own tears.

"But please, don't leave me"

Worried // Mark lee x reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now