(18) Faultier

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Here's chapter 18!

 "Is Faultier feeling unwell?" Kalte's voice murmured to Stolz, though it sounded distanced.

 "I can't be sure. I have never seen him look like this before."

"Maybe he's going to die the same as Beneiden. Depressed and silent." Caelinus told them dryly.

I scowled in reply to that. He truly was a terrible excuse for spawn.

This wasn't depression. Merely confusion. 

Blair and my kiss...it was so unlike all others I had ever experienced. It was as if there was a lapse in the time before the kiss, for all I could remember was the kiss. Even the moments after were completely blurred. There was only Blair. Red-faced, wide-eyed, pouting lips that were like nothing before. Human's lips had never felt so unbelievably soft against my own. What would my father think? I was over thinking an interaction with a human. 

But the human was Blair.

Blair had instantly towered over all other humans I had ever interacted with.

And she had kissed me. I had kissed her.

I had kissed her twice. That was no simple feat. That must mean she felt something as wonderful in the kiss as I had. It had to mean that. How could such a thing happen and have no reaction. No crashing waves? No hurricane?

It was the kiss that had me in this state. It made me delirious, nervous, and joyous. That kiss made me feel so ultimately human.

And I could not yet tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

After the kiss being broken by my brother I had wished to stay. Yet I knew I had to leave. To offer my beloved a moment to think, because I needed the same.

Though there could have been a chance that…


I must stop these thoughts. There had to be a way to control my own mind. I have done it for an entire lifetime. Why was it not working now?

Because of a human?

A human with hair like fire atop the water beneath the waves, crashing like a sinking ship. Eyes like the earth. Skin as soft as still water. Lips like the setting sun. She was such a fantastic creature. A beautiful mix of my home and her own home on land.

She was like a dream. My beautiful dreamy seahorse angel.

“Blair has locked herself away as well. It is possible she refuses to speak to him.” Stolz said.

“That would not make him like this. He would wait at her door.” Gier replied.

Why wasn’t I doing that now? Why, when I finally became close to my beloved, was I retreating? I should have pulled her back once more. Taken her lips from her and claiming them as my own and yet…I left her.

That could have been my only chance to taste Blair again. She did not wish to kiss me in the first place, and so what makes me think she would kiss me again?

Because it was a beautiful kiss? Because I felt humanity? These are merely my own feelings. Not my Blair’s. She could return to her original state once more- pushing me away.

What was I to do? How could I make Blair truly love me? To love me as deeply as I love her?

How could I set fire to my beloved’s powerful emotions?

“I’ve never known Faultier to think so much.” Caelinus commented.

I growled, standing up from my place at the human table. My brothers all stared at me with wide, dark eyes.

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