(27) Vollieri

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"Is the cook here yet?" The suddenly insufferable human exclaimed. When no one replied, she merely made the irking question even louder. "Guys! Is.the.cook.here.yet? And where is the vacuum? I've never had to use it, but I'm sure we have one!"

I glared at the television as it remained playing, but the words were muffled due to her insufferable rambling. 

There was a mumbled reply from Zorn. "Finally, someone answers me! Seriously though, this apartment has to be perfect. Danny can't see anything that brings up bad memories. Speaking of- Kalte, have you bagged up all of my mother's clothing?" She continued babbling. I cringed slightly at the thought of Danny and the bad memories he would have. And they would involve me. I frowned to myself, suddenly incapable of paying any sort of attention to the television human romance. 

This version of Faultier's human woman had been continuous since the moment Danny was checked in and Blair was forced to leave the hospital's waiting room. It was as if she had lost every ounce of common sense that she had; which had allowed me to feel a vague sense of respect for the bitter human woman. Now I felt none of that respect. At all. 

After arriving home she had my brothers clear out her mother's room. All of the furniture, clothing, and of course blood had been taken out and bundled up or sent to some sort of storing building. Early the next morning she had professional human workers come into the room and tear up and replace the stained wood flooring and paint the once bland walls a deep shade of blue. Later that day she had the furniture replaced and she had a wardrobe filled with clothing she had purchased for Danny. 

Her insanity had continued throughout the entire apartment. Each room had been cleaned excessively. She had decided that when Danny would return she would have a dinner made for him and we would all eat together to celebrate his return. The terrifying human even wore tall shoes whilst doing all of this. 

Faultier had taken up a spot on the sofa. He had been hiding somewhat from his oh, so beloved Blair. It appeared we both preferred her that way she was originally. Humans were rather flighty creatures though.

I looked over to him as he stared at the television with a dull look adorning his face. "Brother," I began in a low voice, so as not to be heard by the human beast. He turned is eyes towards my own. "You must figure a way to fix Blair before I kill her." I told him in a dark voice.

His eyes flashed darkly and he shone his fangs in defense. "She is in mourning brother, the same as you. She is merely not as accustomed to loss; or at least near-loss as you and I."

I ground my jaw slowly. "Danny is alive and well. Blair is not though. She is alive and psychotic." 

Faultier growled. "This is not something we can question brother. My sweet Angelfish needs time to accept what has happened." He paused. "And you never truly explained such things. Who was the fae that attempted yours and the human pet's death?" 

I turned away suddenly. This was not a subject I wished to discuss. Once I had figured who the disgusting creature was the feeling of guilt had become unbearable. The creature was an enemy of mine, and mine alone, but it had nearly taken Danny from me.

Faultier sat up in his spot, sending me a dark glare. "This is not optional to answer Brother- as the leader of our clan you have no reason not to answer my question." 

I scowled in reply, but nodded slowly. "He was the brother to a faerie that I had slain many years ago. This was long before I joined this brotherhood, but long after I had lost my own." 

Faultier frowned, "How long has it been since your first clan was...split?" He asked slowly.

I frowned. "Too many years to count." 

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