(4) Faultier

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"You looked unhappy earlier." I said, dropping my gaze to stare at the seaweed drifting in the ocean's current. My vision was exceptionally sharp compared to that of a human's. My beautiful Blair could probably only see darkness in the water. The thought saddened me as I idly moved my feet in the water.

I lift my head to stare at her again. She was looking at my feet with a frown of concentration on her face, her brow wrinkled. Her hair hung in thick ropes. She didn't seem to be reacting well to the moist environment. Humans were very delicate creatures.

Her face morphed into a scowl. "I just don't enjoy being captive, thank you very much." She lifted her head with a startled look in her eyes. "What is your problem." She demanded harshly.

I flinched. "Your words, they are very...scalding."

She raised her eyebrows and laughed.

I frowned. "You are very confusing. You are not like other humans." I confessed.

Why was she acting so different from the other women? If she had acted like the others did, then I would have bedded her already. The thought stirred up a feeling of deep longing inside of me. Blair was so beautiful. And her name...it rolled off the tongue so well.

"I guess that's not unusual. It is the twenty-first century." She remarked, one of her beautiful eyebrows raised. It curved to her bone structure in a delicate thin tuft of auburn hair. My, how could something so simple as a human's eyebrow be so endearing?

I attempted to speak of the women I had been with before, but they were pushed down by Caelinus breaking through the water.

I knew within an instant something was wrong. I sat up and looked down at him with hard eyes.

"Caelinus, what is wrong?" I asked.

"We have a problem." He told me, his voice hard as his eyes flashed a liquid gold. I stood up in an instant.

"What is it?" I asked him, but he simply dove back down into the dark water. "από όλους τους θεούς" I mumbled, flashing my fangs in annoyance. I felt like I was just getting somewhere with my dear Blair. I looked over at the sleeping forms of the twins. "Stolz, Gier, get over here!" I commanded.

They grumbled in annoyance, but stood tall, striding over to the pool.

Blair's dark eyes had widened and my cold heart melted. Why must I leave my lovely Blair?

"Stay away from the water and you will be safe." I warned her, attempting to convey assurance with one look. She blinks cutely, which only makes me want to drop back down to my ledge and gaze into her eyes for all eternity.

For everything I know, this beautiful human would be the mother of my sons. I know it.

My mind flashed with images of Blair and I, teaching our four sons how to swim.

Which is ridiculous because if I had sons with her none of us would ever see one another again. Blair would lead a human life and I would raise our sons.

But enough of that.

I jumped into the pool alongside Stolz and Gier, who were wading in the water.

"Why did you call us?" Stolz asked sharply. He was the more outspoken of the pair. Gier tended to generally go along and avoid interrupting conversation. I preferred him to Stolz.

"Do not address me in that tone. There is something happening in the sea. I want the both of you to guard the entrance to the cove. Keep my human safe, do not let any harm come to her." I warned, my eyes flashing red.

They nodded lightly in unison and I nodded back. I pushed my body down and dove down to the others.

The water was cool and murky, one of my favorite mixes, but it was also hard to see with plain vision. So I changed my vision. One of the many Mermen perks.

I adjusted my eyes and saw before me one of our many foes--and my exes, the Formorions.

They were really downright disgusting. I always wonder why I had given myself to one of them. Or three.

There are monsters to the seas with their grotesque physique. It was as if someone had thrown together a whale with a goat and some crab here and there. There eyes are vividly green,like some form of acid, which they like to throw around occasionally with they saliva. It's really quite disgusting.

There were four of the them now, but they neared about four times the size on any human creature. They were hissing and growling, mumbling in there horrid little language. I can understand few of their unintelligent words but I knew that I heard eat-smell-and human in the list.

Ah, so they want my little water princess? There was no way in all the sea I would let them anywhere near Blair.

I motioned my men forward and they struck down on the beasts with their weapons. We carry long swords, that shined of silver and the hilt was made from coral remnants. They were truly spectacular.

I struck down on the neck of the beast and it hiss loudly, it's black spit shooting from it's mouth. I felt my arm begin to burn but I simply pierce my sword back into the beast. A guttural growling resonates from it's stomach as a sword pierces through it opposite to me.

The creature dropped down to the depths as it's body fell limp. Behind it was Vollieri with a twisted smile playing at his lips.

"Faultier?" He asked with a grin.

"Yes, Vollieri?" I replied.

"Didn't you break up with that one?" He asked evilly. I growled at him and he snickered, turning back to the battle.

There was only the one creature left, it's arm severed from it body. It was shooting out its venomous saliva as black fluids oozed from its wound.

I came towards it and struck my blade, embedding it deep into the throat of the monster. I twisted it for good measure as I ripped the blade back out from the body.

It screamed limply but it's body dropped down with the rest of its group. I grinned down at it and looked back to my group. Some limbs were burned with the black spit but they were all well enough.

"Let's all go back. I want to see my human!" I chirped. They all nodded, following after my quickened pace.

I would appear as a hero to Blair and she would be begging to have my children. I could see it now.

I could see her. With her long red locks and porcelain skin. Her wide chocolate eyes and her perfect pink lips. And her perfectly curved eyebrows. And her beautiful nose. And her long eyelashes that had swept me away as they brushed over her eyes every time she would blink in confusion.

Ah, Blair, my only love. I have been with so many yet none of them but you have ever made me feel my heart, cold as the water I live in, warm at one touch.

I should tell her that. It sounded romantic.

We swam back into the entrance of the cove and up to the surface of the icy water. I jumped up and out of the water, wading there, glancing around for my beloved.

But alas, there was nothing.

Had she followed us? Was she afraid for me?

"I think she ran away." Vollieri noted.

Or that.

"No!" I wailed. Pain whirled around in my chest as my heart broke into nothingness. She wouldn't leave me. Not now. We had finally been getting somewhere. We had been formulating a future.

My broken heart thudded in my chest as I scanned the cove for her.

"Blair?" I screamed. "Blair!"

I dropped down to my knees, the pain becoming a numb, broken feeling.

I looked around. My brothers were standing around silently. Vollieri looked over at the ring of shells. I gasped.

My legs lift me up instantly and hope filled my every being. I ran to the circle and without another thought, guided my brothers over to it.

"We aren't letting Blair get away. She is my only love." I said to them, my voice strong.

I would see my lovely water princess again. She will love me as I love her. She will love my hair as I love her hair, She will love my lips as I love her lips. She will love my eyebrows as I love her eyebrows.

Blair will be mine.

With that, I placed my foot into the circle and it swirled me around until it dropped me in an unknown world. My brothers appeared behind me.

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