(5) Blair

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"Ahh!" I screamed as I spun around. Finally, with a thud, I stumbled out of the faerie circle. A grin broke out on my face. "Yes! I'm free!" I yelled. And dawn was just breaking, I don't think anyone noticed that I was even gone.

"Whoa," I muttered to myself, as I rubbed my calf. "Where the hell am I?"

This was not definitely not that alley in Vienna. It didn't feel like Vienna either. Eastern Europe wasn't this cold during this time of the year. 

I shivered and hugged my thin jacket closer to me. It didn't help that I couldn't shake the feeling of being wet. That cove was so muggy, I remembered, crinkling my nose. 

I shook my head. Okay, first order of business. Where was I?

It looked like I had teleported to a large lake. The coast was dotted with pine trees, and a thicker forest was behind it. 

The faerie circle I had stepped out of was made out of stones protruding from the ground. It seemed like they were different everywhere.

It looked like I was alone and in the middle of nowhere. What was this place? Was it Greenland? Because it would just be my luck to be stuck in the middle of a huge country with a small population.

This was great. I was cold, wet, alone, slightly hungry, and I had been kidnapped by a group of mermen who wanted to impregnate me. That was not in the travel brochures. 

"Oh!" I had almost forgot. I dug my phone out of my pocket. Maybe I could call someone or find out where I was. That would be nice. I could get a taxi to ta--"Dammit!"

No service. What had I expected anyway? I scowled and stalked along the lake shore. I would get this damn thing to work and find humanity.

My mother would hear about this, I concluded. But not the merman part because she would think I was a insane, horny teenager. She already thought that but she didn't care enough to do anything about it. 

I rubbed my hands together. I wished I had a hat, at least my hair was long, but there had to be ice crystals forming in it. 

The rising sun was helping with my temperature dilemma, but never fast enough. 

I stalked along and finally found a little residential area of sorts. I resisted the urge to run up and hug someone. Now that I was in a area where humans were living, there had to be a cell phone tower. 

I fired up the GPS on my phone that I had never used before. Once it loaded I gasped. I was in Iceland. Fucking Iceland. I needed to get out of here.

I dialed Danny's number. He didn't answer. "Danny, you bastard," I hissed before calling again. Three more calls and five rings later, he picked up.

"What the hell do you want, Blair?" he asked in his Satan voice. "It's two in the fucking morning, and if you don't have a good reason for calling me, you better be praying your ass off." 

I was appalled by the tears that sprang up in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. "Danny!" I said gleefully.

"Are you drunk?" he asked.

I could hear the rustling of his sheets as he moved. He sounded more awake and less Satan-like now.

"No! I'm j-just..."

"Oh, my God. Blair, are you crying?" 

"No!" I wiped my eyes quickly with the sleeves of my jacket.

"What happened?"

"I-I can't. You'll think I'm crazy."

"Then tell me what you think happened."

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