(32) Faultier

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"Angelfish?" I called into the room. My beloved was red faced, throwing fabric around in a stormy manner. It was like a tornado in her room. "Where will you go?" I asked softly. 

She looked at me with red, glassy eyes and her skin patched red. "Danny's finding me an apartment." 

I nodded, already knowing this. "I mean tonight." 

"Oh." She huffed, rubbing at her face and going back to her packing. "Helen has a spare bedroom. I'll sleep there." 

I stepped toward her, feeling just a bit uncertain. We hadn't been very close since I explained that I needed to return no matter what. I wished she could understand how much I hated the idea of leaving my precious Water lily. She meant the entire ocean to me.

"I would be proud to slay the beast for you." I said, a hand on my nonexistent heart as I bowed slightly. 

She grinned. "Who, my Mother?" 

I nodded, smiling at her. "I would slay anything for you, sweet Human. I would change the tides and destroy the earth if it brought you joy." I stepped closer to her and brushed a hand against her soft cheek, which had the remaining heat from crying. She leaned into it and smiled softly. 

"That's damn creepy." She replied, her earthy eyes staring at me widely. "I know I'm going to miss you, you big dumb Fish." 

I wanted to bury her in my arms and keep her there forever, but I wasn't sure how she would take to a hug right now. I wanted to kiss those soft rose petal lips. Her rounded belly was pressed against my own rock hard abdomen. 

In there was a beautiful creature that would be forever a piece of Blair and a piece of myself. Even as we would be separated that child would fulfill the hole left in our heart. I prayed for a daughter so my sweet Blair would not feel abandoned by me. I prayed for a son in hopes he would be like his beautiful and strong willed mother. 

Unable to control myself I moved her red hair to the side and leaned down to kiss her gently. She took it, though slowly and skeptically. She was so unsure about me still.

But I did not care. I just kissed her, hoping that my kiss would tell her just how true and dear my love for her was. 

I felt a sudden jerk and I jumped back slightly, looking at her belly in awe. Her eyes were wide and she looked down at her stomach as well. 

"You felt that?" She asked, amazement clear in her voice. 

I nodded, taking my hands and pressing them gently against the protective cocoon that held my sweet little sea-ling. Another bounce went and Blair squeaked in surprise. "I think they enjoy my touch." I said, feeling amazed. 

I had never been so close to a woman bearing my child. Never placed my hands on her after the ordeal. Never caressed her cheek or held her tight. I looked at my Angelfish and saw that her wide eyes held heavy, salty tears. "This thing is my kid." She remarked, blubbering slightly. "It's our living, breathing spawn." 

I smiled. "It is." 

She groaned. "Don't you have any idea what it is?" I shook my head. It was not a skill acquired by mermen. I believed it was there to keep us from abandoning the human women he procreate with so they will not feel alone during this time.

Her frown deepened. "I can't just throw it away. I can't be my mother." She murmured softly down at her belly. 

Without any self control I leaned in and kissed her again. She reacted this time. Lit by something rich and warm and excitable that I wasn't prepared for. Something that had been hinted at the night we conceived our little Sea-ling. Suddenly her hands were in my hair and-

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