(6) Faultier

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I widened my eyes in awe of the beautiful site before me. It was a handsome women with skin the shade of an Ocean Pixie. That beautiful sea-foam green color. She wore robes like that of a goddess and she looked proud as she stands taller than all the minuscule humans beneath her, upon her island, gazing out into the world.

"What is that beautiful beast?" Kalte asked, his voice filled with a similar awe to how I felt.

"I know not. She may be one of the most magnificent women I have ever seen. So strong and demeaning." I turned towards my brothers. "She must be Blair's goddess. That would explain why Blair herself is so strong and demeaning."

"Indeed, she makes even me feel small and powerless." Zorn spoke, his voice subtracted of its usual strength.

The water flourished around our bodies, as we waded, gazing up at the handsome beast. It was cool, the best way for water to be. The white dollops of foam leeching onto our cold bodies. My brothers relaxed into the water, welcoming the break from swimming throughout the ocean just to get here, our kelpies assisted us a long distance but were only able to go so far. This was the place where I could feel the link to my beloved strong as seaweed.

The only true way to describe our love was as if a long, everlasting cord of seaweed was threaded through our bodies, beginning at my icy heart to her beautiful, warm, fleshy heart.

I felt the pull from the moment I laid eyes on her humane perfection.

"How much farther must we go, Brother?" Vollieri asked, his tone slick and icy as he stared off into the mass of gray glass monstrosities that appeared to be buildings.

I closed my eyes, letting the cord pull me to do its will.

"Northeast, Gentlemen!" I called out, happiness filling me with a foreign warmth.

And with that, we continued our journey towards my beloved, the cord pulling as you would upon a kelpie's reigns.

We traveled beneath tall bridges, past magnificent boats, and beside the monstrosity of a city my beloved called home until the cord turned directions. Onto land.

"We must join the humans on land." I called to my brothers. "Make sure to use glamour. These humans are not as forgiving as my beautiful Blair."

We stepped onto land. I felt the magic powder my skin, shimmering white. My brothers appearances dulled and warped into men with soft hair and dull eyes. Their hands and feet distorted. Their teeth squared off. They looked to be normal men.

"Come, Gentlemen, we musn't keep my little seahorse waiting. She must feel so worried and alone without me there to accompany and comfort her."

And so I lead them on, the cord dragging me to the point where I could topple over from the force and simply be dragged along. It dragged me past tall structures and short men. Flashing lights and short women.

None of which reached the beauty of my sweet Blair.

I almost ran into a wall of stone, my search for my beloved had me so preoccupied. I felt the cord tugging me upward. As I stared up the pillar of stone I could feel the measly human passerby's staring at me. I furrowed my brow and looked up.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to go up." I told them, turning back to the aggravated stares of my brothers.

"What is telling you that exactly? How do we know you aren't leading us to some random human?" Vollieri was scowling, as usual.

I turned my gaze directly to him, shooting daggers at him with my eyes.

"Gentlemen. You all may believe I have merely lost my mind, but in truth you simply just have never fallen madly and hopelessly in love with a beautiful creature. You have lived sheltered lifestyles of nothing more than intercourse for breeding so you cannot understand the deep, innate pull I have towards my little seahorse. From the moment I laid my eyes on her I felt content for the rest of my life. I will never find another women more beautiful then Blair. The cord is obviously the only thing in this world that understands the depth of my feelings because it was born of love and not merely intercourse, unlike all of you!" I exclaimed passionately.

They all stood in silence, discomfort setting in pleasantly.

"Now! Let us climb this monstrosity and find my human!"

And so I began climbing up the building, with my brothers close behind me, latching onto the sills of windows and pulling myself closer. The cord is beaming with joy, knowing how close it is to its angel. A flash of color whirred past me. I look up only to see a strange little boyish thing hanging his head out the window, only to squeal effeminately and jerk back inside.

Suddenly, Blair's beautiful face appeared in my vision, her warm, ginger locks hung out perfectly and I could smell the pure pleasure wafting off of her along with the sweet smell of coconut. I was merely feet away from her and all I wanted was to wrap my self around her and become one, melding her perfection with my own and creating the perfect son.

She would bear only the finest children. We would be wonderful as one. suddenly she disappeared into the window just as the disturbing boyish creature had before.

"My love!" I called out to her, my happiness sealed. Her head popped back out and I smiled out to her. "So close..."

And then I was there. In front of my Blair, stumbling to her. Happiness glowed through me. It was a euphoric feeling such as how I feel when mauling Klaboutermannikins and eating their livers mixed with the feeling of cool saltwater and long lasting intercourse with Nereides. Add to that the first time I laid my eyes on her image. The image of love.

I held my arms out to her engulfing her against myself. The feeling of her warmth, radiating off of her as a whole. Her bosom is pressed against me, her soft hair against my face as I burrow myself into her neck, breathing in the sweet smell of woman, sex, and coconut.

And the cord was glowing. The cord was brighter than ever before as it danced around us, galloping and intertwining us, even as Blair insulted me and tried shoving me away.

We were forever connected.

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