(19) Blair

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"Blair!" Danny yelled as he pounded on the door.

I scowled and crossed the room to open it. "Jeez, I'm awake. You don't have to yell."

"Yes I do. Now give me your credit card." He presented his open palm to me, wiggling his fingers expectantly.

"It's on the nightstand," I said, moving back to window. "What are you getting exactly?"

"Food. I'm starving. And fish. I worked out a deal with this guy that sells them down at the market. He'll have a bag of them all ready for me." He grabbed my credit card and was just about out the door, but he stopped and said, "Oh, and I'm taking Vollieri with me so don't freak out when you notice someones missing."

I scoffed. "Please, take him away and leave him on a street corner."

Danny sighed, shoulders deflating, and dragged himself back into the room. He slammed the door shut. "Okay, tell me what it is. I thought everything has been working out. The mermen are fine, you've somehow convinced me to stay here with you, and Faultier hasn't had his way with you."

I groaned and smacked the wall. "Dammit, Danny, he hasn't spoken to me in thirty-six hours. He hasn't looked at me. What the fuck is going on? Because I am very, very attractive and he claimed to love me very, very much until Vollieri messed everything up. I talk to Faultier and he ignores me. Blatant ignoring, not even subtle."

"Isn't this what you wanted?"

"No! This isn't what I wanted at all."

"But you said-"

I shushed him. "No talking! I don't want your sass, Danny."

He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth.

"What did I say?" I picked a sock up off the ground and threw it at his face. It bounced off his shoulder and rolled a few feet away from him.

"I was just going to say 'fine, I'll leave', but you insist on throwing socks at me." He smiled. "I can't believe this is happening. You like him." His tone was that of a five year old taunting his friend about his crush, it made me what to tear his tongue out.

I scoffed and chucked another sock at him, but it missed entirely. "No, I don't. Go. Buy food and your fishy...fish."

Danny sighed. "You're comebacks actually make me sad. You have no sass anymore."

I slowly picked up a black pump and glared at him. "I will impale you if you don't leave."

His eyes widened and he backed out of the room. "You're crazy," he mouthed.

When he left, I sighed and tossed the shoe away. I needed to get out of my mind. I was driving myself crazy.

I snapped my fingers. "Yes. That's it." After picking my jacket off the ground and grabbing a pair of boots, I rushed out of the room.

"I just don't see how long this is going to last."

Who was that? I stopped by the archway and peeked into the living room. Kalte was worrying a sock as Zorn spun the spinner on the game of Life.

"I understand your concern," Zorn murmured, but most of his attention was on the spinner. "Hm, this tells me that I must choose a dwelling. Is their a beach available?"

Kalte sighed. "Unfortunately no. I checked the cards and they are all typical human shacks. "

Zorn shook his head and they both sighed in disgust. "No matter, I will settle for what fate chooses for me."

It turned out that fate chose a mobile home for Zorn to live in. How delightful. I slipped on the boots and shrugged on the jacket hurriedly. After digging my wallet out of the mess on the coffee table, I turned to Zorn and Kalte.

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