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Hello to all my readers!

So it's been a little over a month since I asked for opinions about rewriting this book and seeing how people are voting and commenting that they would like me to redo it, I have decided that I will!

I'm still working out a few things, so no promises as to when I will publish the rewrite, however, hopefully the first chapter will be up and ready by next week.

I am a college student in the midst of studying though and I am writing a second fanfic for Haikyuu, so please be patient with updates! I want to create a schedule for myself of when to publish chapters and hopefully, I manage to stick through it during the semester lol

But if that doesn't work and I don't seem to be updating as frequently, feel free to leave a comment on the latest chapter or a message for me asking about when I publish the next chapter, so I can push myself to work on it.

Other than that, thank you so much for the love and support, and I am excited about doing the rewrite!

I did receive a few comments about ideas for the rewrite on the opinions chapter, so if anyone has any more, feel free to comment! I do have the plot line pretty much set, but I would be open to any more thoughts or ideas that people had that they want to see in the fanfic (no promises that I'll incorporate it into the story though).

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