You F*cking Bastard!

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Watching the Kirisaki Daiichi member grab the rebound, Hyuuga couldn't move as Furuhashi had his elbow out when coming down from the jump. Bracing himself, Hyuuga shut his eyes only to open them and see Kiyoshi had blocked the hit. Seeing Hanamiya make a fast break for their basket, Furuhashi passed the ball to Hanamiya and everyone watched as the player had no problem breaking past Izuki's defense. Making the shot, Hanamiya ran back and slowed down to stand next to Kiyoshi.

"That was close. We almost crushed four-eyes. But don't forget what I said before. Stay out of our way."

"I don't care if I'm the only one who gets hurt, but I can't stand you injuring my teammates!"

~Time Skip~

Yamazaki forced his shot as he was blocked by Hyuuga, missing the basket. Wanting the rebound, Kagami moved his foot so Hara wasn't able to step on him like earlier, however he wasn't expecting to be elbowed in the chest. Feeling the air be knocked out of him, he bent over as Hara caught the rebound and make the shot. Getting back up, Kagami turned around to face the player, forming a fist and getting ready to punch him. Everyone in Seirin started panicking, worried about what Kagami was about to do until Kuroko grabbed his left ankle, causing the member to face plant into the floor. 

As Kagami stood back up and tried to complain, Kuroko lectured him about what he was planning on doing by ruining everything with his anger. Telling him that they shouldn't be supporting the second years like that, Kagami turned around to face them, bowing his head and asking them to hit him once. Turning down the idea, Hyuuga and Izuki told him that it was fine, however Riko didn't feel the same way.

"What are you thinking, you moron?! With you out, we'll lose things we could've won!"

He's getting hit anyways

"If you're going to do it, don't make it obvious!"

That's what coach meant?!

Hyuuga rubbed his bruise, asking one of the first years to bring him something cold. As Kiyoshi stared at Hyuuga's injury, he thought back to when Kagami was elbowed, not wanting the first year to go through what he went through.

"Kagami, attack from the outside when we're on offense. You don't need to get rebounds on defense, either."


"I'll play the inside myself. You four cover the outside."

Hyuuga stood up, furious from hearing Kiyoshi's plan.

"What are you saying, Kiyoshi? The rough play's the most brutal on the inside! If you do that, they'll focus all their attacks on you!"

"It's better than seeing my friends hurt."

Riko, also upset from what she just heard, tried to convince Kiyoshi to change the plans.

"Your leg is already injured. You can't do that. If anything, we should sub-"

"No, I'm doing it. Sorry Riko. This is what I came back for. If you switch me out now, I'll hate you for the rest of my life."

Nakamura was shocked to see the serious expression on his face when he said that, showing that he wasn't kidding. Taking her clipboard, she didn't hesitate to hit the player, saying, "What the hell is wrong with you, threatening a girl like that? Geez."

As the game resumed, Seirin would only watch in pain as Kiyoshi meant what he said earlier and took care of the inside on his own.

Kiyoshi-senpai is actually holding down the inside by himself on offense and defense. That's amazing in so many different ways.

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