This Is Kagami's Master?!

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Note: Bold and italics means the person is speaking in English

After the members were woken up by Riko and Nakamura, everyone left the stadium and stood by the entrance as they double checked to make sure they had everything before leaving. 

"Crap. I can't believe I fell asleep in a locker room in the middle of winter."

"Winter can be so uncool."

"You're the one who's uncool."

Unamused with Izuki's pun, Hyuuga ignored the boy when Koganei had mentioned all of them forgetting something important, grabbing the team's attention.

"Let's celebrate our victory!"

"We can't do that!"


Not believing what Koganei had suggested, Hyuuga got even more riled up when the boy didn't understand why they couldn't celebrate.

"We've got our second match in a few days! From the third game on, we've got matches everyday! Even if we win, there's no time to celebrate!"

Riko held her chin as she thought about what Koganei suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let's go get dinner together."


"Your recovery is important too. For that, you need to eat properly and get plenty of sleep."

Nakamura could understand where their coach was coming from, but Hyuuga was concerned about her idea.

"Where though? Eating out is expensive."

Riko thought about bringing the team back to her house, but realized it was too far away. Seeing the team struggle to think about what to do for dinner, Kagami decided to speak up.

"Excuse me... My place is actually nearby."

Surprised that his place was unexpectedly so close, the team decided to stop by a grocery store first to pick up a few things for dinner. After they finished, Kagami led the team to his apartment. Opening the door and turning on the lights, everyone was surprised by the sight before them. 

Koganei was the first to react and say, "It's... It's huge!"

Meanwhile Nakamura had a frown after seeing it.

Damn rich kids

Stepping into the apartment, Hyuuga asked the boy if he lived by himself.

"I was supposed to live here with my dad, but he had to go back to America suddenly."

Unamused with how nice the apartment was, Kuroko didn't hesitate to say, "Kagami-kun, you're a despicable guy after all. I'm not going to be your shadow anymore."

Nakamura gave a soft laugh after hearing Kuroko declare that.

Well not like I don't understand Tetsuya

Meanwhile Kagami couldn't believe what Kuroko had said and what he had done to deserve that. Nakamura looked around the apartment and noticed the small amount of furniture, a basketball in the corner of the room, and magazines littered everywhere.

Enough for a basketball idiot. He really only thinks about eating, sleeping, and basketball

As Nakamura walked over to the television, Kiyoshi realized that Riko wasn't in the room and asked where she went. Kawahara turned around to face his senpai to tell him that she was in the kitchen with their bags of groceries, causing the whole team to freak out.

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