Many Times Over

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As Reo received the ball, Hyuuga was quick to guard him closely.

Focus! Don't miss the shift in his center of gravity. If we leave defeated now, it'll all be for nothing!

Watching Reo get into his shooting motion for the Heaven shot, Hyuuga jumped to block it but realized it was a fake as Reo landed and evaded him, going around him and getting into a normal shooting motion.

"Pass, Mibuchi!" yelled Akashi. "It's a trap!"

Reo was quick to pass the ball to Nebuya after hearing the captain's orders when Kagami made eye contact with Kuroko, causing the phantom player to suddenly appear and steal the ball from their opponent.

Passing the ball to Hyuuga, the captain passed the ball back to Kagami when all of them made quick eye contact with each other again. Kagami passed the ball back to Izuki, who passed it back to the boy just like Kuroko had done with him earlier so the boy could evade Hayama's defense.

"Get Hyuuga, Mazuyumi!" Akashi shouted.

Hearing the orders, Mayuzumi glanced at Hyuuga and watched as Kagami passed the ball to him. Quickly shooting the ball, Mayuzumi had somewhat managed to interfere and caused the ball to bounce on the rim before Nebuya managed to get the rebound.

"This is intense," Takao said in amazement. "There's no room to breathe."

"But Seirin's winning," added Midorima. "Akashi is supporting his team with Emperor Eye. Even so, Seirin's coordination is slightly faster."

"If Seirin blocks another one of Rakuzan's attacks, they'll be able to score," concluded Kasamatsu. "Then they'll be only three points behind. They could win."

"If we can stop them, victory will be in reach!" shouted Hyuuga. "Dig deep! Give every last drop!"

Performing an Ankle Break on Kagami, Akashi stood his ground and shot a three-pointer, widening the gap to seven points.

"I will win," the red-haired captain declared as he glared at the Seirin members. "You're a century too early to defeat Rakuzan!"

With only forty seconds left, Akashi's shot made the gap increase by seven points.

"Defense! Focus up, everyone!" yelled Akashi. "Once we stop them, it's over!"


As Izuki held the ball, he frowned as he felt the pressure Rakuzan was placing on them, wanting to score as quickly as possible. Nakamura frowned as well as she watched Mayuzumi and Hayama double-team Kagami.

With the double-team, Kagami-kun will instantly consume the little strength he has left. This isn't good...

"Izuki!" Kiyoshi called out to the point guard.

Izuki passed the ball to him, but because of the pressure from Nebuya, Kiyoshi could barely push back against him.

"Kiyoshi!" Hyuuga called out to him.

Knowing that he was fighting a losing battle, Kiyoshi reluctantly passed the ball to his captain who was immediately marked by Reo.

Kuroko glanced around the court before yelling, "Captain!" Hyuuga passed the ball to him and Kuroko made a sideways long pass to Kagami.

"Don't let up on your mark!" ordered Akashi. "Hayama! Mayuzumi!" But the red-haired captain was a second too late as Kagami easily caught the ball and scored three points for Seirin.

"What's the time?!" worried Riko as she glanced at the timer. "Twenty-seven seconds left."

"Their defense couldn't be better," Midorima commented.

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