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Glad that they were able to overcome the issue with Kagami's grades, Riko and Nakamura reviewed the training regimes that they created to prepare for the Inter-High. After the members finished their practice match, they all packed up to get ready to go to the sports gym that Riko's father owned so they could use the swimming pool there.

After everyone changed, all the members gathered in the pool area, slightly disappointed as they were expecting to see Nakamura in a swimsuit, only to see her wearing black shorts with a light pink sweater zipped up. As Riko got started with the exercises she had planned, beginning with squats, Nakamura took a seat next to Kagami who had to sit out due to his leg injury from Shutoku's match. Seeing Nigou approach them, Kagami tried to move down the bench, only to forget that Nakamura was sitting next to him, and ended up pushing her off the bench. Opening her mouth to yell at him, she was cut off when another voice had screamed her name.

"Yu-chan!!! I've wanted to meet you!"

Nakamura groaned in pain, from the yelling and from being tackled in a hug while laying on the floor, which was disgusting to her. She stayed still, allowing the girl to squeeze the life out of her, knowing that she wouldn't be letting go anything time soon. Everyone was shocked at the girl's appearance, but more so at how Nakamura let herself be tackled.

"Uh, who are you?"

"Oh sorry about that. Hmmmm, well I guess I would say I'm Yu-chan's friend and Tetsu-kun's girlfriend. I couldn't wait for the championship league, so I came here."


"Nakamura Yuyan-chan."


"Kuroko Tetsuya-kun."

"EHHHHH?!?!?!! You have a girlfriend?!?!"

"No, she was my manager in middle school, just like Nakamura-san was."

Glad that Momoi had gotten off of her, Nakamura moved to the bench and watched how everyone's expression turned into envy seeing Momoi hug Kuroko, wishing it was them receiving the hug. Listening to Koganei point out the bad points of Kuroko, Nakamura rolled her eyes as Koganei had just attacked his own teammate out of jealousy. Hearing Momoi retell the story of how she fell for Kuroko for the umpteenth time, Nakamura turned her attention back to Riko to see how she was handling this, only to see her beat the sh*t out of Hyuuga and toss him into the pool.

"You'll kill Hyuuga-san!"

"Huh? Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Of course I know. I know all of you guys. Seirin's basketball club captain and clutch shooter, Hyuuga-san. The eagle-eyed point guard, Izuki-san. The silent and hard working hook shot artist, Mitobe-san. The power forward with incredible jumping power, Kagami-kun. Also Koganei-san and Tsuchida-san."

"What? That's it?"

"Seirin's cute manager and an amazing strategist, Yu-chan. Finally, the barely-B coach, Riko-san."

"AHHHHHH!! Don't f*ck around with me!"

Nakamura watched at how Riko got upset with how Momoi pointed out how flat she was. Looking down at her own chest, she sighed when she compared it to Momoi. I know I'm not flat compared to Coach but when looking at Satsuki.... Like holy crap can a girl's chest even GET that large? Deciding that they would end practice there because of the surprise visitor, everyone left the pool area, leaving Nakamura, Kuroko, and Momoi to talk on their own.

"Congratulations on advancing to the championship league."

"Momoi-san, aren't you going too?"

"Huh? Did I already tell you?"

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