Seirin's Culture Festival Part 5

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Returning to the classroom, Nakamura thanked the members for walking her back and excused herself to find her class president. Spotting Ito near the kitchen, she was about to approach her when she felt someone grab her elbow, making her turn around. She couldn't hide the surprise on her face as she came face to face with Kagami, asking him if he needed something from her.

"Class pres said to let you go on break after you came back from the nurse's office. Something about letting you rest after the incident."

"Oh, okay. I'll just let her know that I'm fine then. Thank you Kagami-kun."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, Izuki-senpai treated my wound so I'm fine now."

"I mean like...... I imagined it must've been scary for you ealier."

"... Wow Kagami-kun. I didn't expect you to be such a deep person."

"Wha-?! Are you making fun of me?"

"No, of course not. And to answer your question, I'm doing just fine. Thank you for asking."

Giving him a smile, Kagami released her elbow, allowing Nakamura to talk with the class president. Glad to see the girl again, Ito gave her an apologetic look while saying her thanks once more, telling the girl that she should go on break now. Giving the girl half an hour off, Ito gave her a quick hug to show her gratitude before shooing her off, telling her to make sure she relaxed. 

Turning around, Nakamura saw Kuroko enter the classroom and went over to talk to him. Seeing Nakamura approach him, he was glad to see she was okay but noticed her bandaged arm, feeling an ache in his chest. Asking her how she was doing, she told him that she was fine now and that her injury wasn't that serious. Kuroko heard that Ito was letting the girl go on a break after she returned from the nurse's office and he asked her if he could join her. Giving him a nod, he went to ask Ito first if it was fine for him to take a break right now. Telling him that he could, Kuroko headed back to Nakamura and they both walked out of the classroom together, planning on checking out the stalls outside the school first.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Nakamura was about to push the door open to walk outside when she felt herself be jerked back by Kuroko. Before she knew it, she found themselves in the area under the staircase, her leaning on Kuroko as she came face to face with him. Before she could say anything, Kuroko brought her into a hug and buried his face in her shoulder, squeezing her as if she was going to disappear. Rather than asking what was wrong, she returned the hug to comfort him, knowing that he was going to talk when he was ready.

"... I was so scared...... Imaging what would've happened if I didn't make it... Thinking of you lying on a hospital bed again."

Nakamura felt her chest tighten when she heard that, not realizing how her childhood friend had felt about the ordeal earlier. She tightened her hold on him, feeling that it was her fault that he felt like that.

"... I'm sorry."

When Kuroko saw his childhood friend on the floor, he felt his heart stop. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion for him when he was pushing through the crowd, trying his hardest to reach her before he was too late. He knew the girl was only thinking about their class president but he hated how she covered her. He hated how reckless she had been. He hated how she didn't think of her own safety. When he was able to escape the crowd, he knew he wouldn't have been able to push the bookcase up on his own but he didn't care at that moment. He just wanted to protect her.

Wait what?

Feeling his grip tightening, Nakamura could barely mutter, "Tetsuya I can't breathe." into his chest, hoping that he heard her. Keeping his head down and loosening his grip, Nakamura placed her hands on his chest to pull away and look up at the boy, only to feel her breath get caught in her throat. Kuroko always kept a poker face after Akashi told him to in middle school so she was shocked to see the expression he was making now. His eyebrows furrowed together, he had a frown etched on his face but his eyes were glossy, expressing his pain and fear. She felt like crying, seeing her childhood friend make such a heartbroken expression.

Nakamura made him look at her, trying her best to give the boy a smile as she repeatedly told him that she was okay and didn't have to worry anymore. Hearing her trying to reassure him, Kuroko closed his eyes as he took deep breaths, reminding himself that the girl was fine now and was standing before him. Feeling his shoulders relax, he faced the girl properly and realized how close their faces actually were.

Her brown eyes...


Her light pink cheeks...

Thump Thump

Her gentle smile...

Thump Thump Thump

Kuroko could feel his face get warm, wondering why his heart was pounding so much. 

Am I sick?

Pushing Nakamura off so there was some distance between them, he took off his blazer and placed it around her shoulders, telling her that she shouldn't be walking around dressed in such an outfit. She said her thanks as she slipped it on and grabbed his hand, making their way outside. Letting the girl pull him around, Kuroko could only stare at her back. 

Watching the girl be amazed over how lively the festival was, he tugged the girl's hand to get her to stop, making Nakamura turned around to face him once more. 

"Nakamura-san, are you enjoying yourself?"

Nakamura kept a straight face before breaking out into another smile.

"Yeah, I am."

Kuroko felt his heart flutter from seeing her happy expression.

What's wrong with me?

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