Seirin's Culture Festival Part 1

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As practice ended, Riko reminded them that practice would be on hold because of the school's culture festival. Remembering the festival would be held at the end of the week, the second years started to discuss what their classes would be doing. Overhearing their conversation, Kagami was confused, not knowing about the upcoming school event.

"Huh? What's a culture festival?"

"Have you never participated in one Kagami-kun?"


"Simply put, it's meant to display what students have learned, but really it's just like a festival. It's an opportunity for students from other schools to see what our life is like and it also gives the chance for alumi to visit the school they attended. The event is also intended to increase social interaction between your classmates as you work together with them."

"Work together with them?"

"You do everything yourself."

"What?! Isn't it just a waste of time for us? The Winter Cup is going to be starting in a few days!"

"It can't be helped. It's mandatory for all students to participate in it."

"Kagami-kun, weren't you paying attention in class the other day? We already voted for what our class would be doing."

"Huh?! That was for the festival? I thought it was for something from a month from now or something."

Nakamura only shook her head as she realized he was a basketball idiot while Kuroko continued to explain how culture festivals worked in Japan. Kagami continued to complain after hearing that practice wouldn't be held and that he was forced to participate in something he thought was completely useless

America didn't have events like this

Turning their attention to the first years, Izuki asked them what their classes would be doing. Fukuda and Furihata said that their class had decided on a food stall and would be selling yakisoba. Kawahara said that his class was also doing a food stall but they were going to be making takoyaki. Nakamura told them that their class had decided on turning their classroom into a cafe. 

Asking the senpais what they were doing, Hyuuga and Riko responded that they were doing a costume booth and would be providing pictures as a memory for their visitors. Koganei and Mitobe's class planned on having a scavenger hunt and would be giving small prizes to the visitors who succeeded. Izuki's class was going to have a haunted house (although everyone doubted Izuki would be scaring anyone with his puns). Tsuchida had mentioned that his class wanted to put on a skit but had yet decided what they should perform.

As everyone headed to the locker room to change, Nakamura helped Riko clean up the gymnasium as they talked about their expectations for the upcoming event.

I haven't participated in one in forever. I'm kind of excited now.

~The Next Day~

As Nakamura sat next to their class president, they checked over the list of items they needed to do before assigning people their duties. Everyone separated into three groups, one for creating the layout of the cafe, one for getting the outfits together, and one for making the menu. Creating a timeline so they would stay on schedule, she hoped everyone would be ready by Thursday so they could make any small changes if needed, and then be ready by Friday when the festival starts.

Heading over to the menu group, she had the group split up in half, one half would create the menu and the other would be getting the ingredients, while Kagami and Kuroko were tasked with building anything they needed for the cafe. As Kagami and Kuroko sat on the side and waited for the group to decide on the design of the cafe, Kagami took the chance to observe how Nakamura was working. Seeing her look over the papers seriously like a manager, he was surprised by how much the girl knew about running a cafe.

"Hey Kuroko, does Nakamura work part time or something?"

"No she doesn't. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that she seems experienced with how a cafe runs."

"Her uncle in Kyoto runs a restaurant. When she was living over there during middle school, she would help out when she wasn't studying."

"Wha-?! She was a middle school student wasn't she?"

"She wanted to. It was better than staying inside all the time for her."

"Is that why she was helping out the class president?"

"Yes. She has the most knowledge when it comes to managing a business."

As their group finished finalizing the design of the cafe and the list of things they would need to create it, they called Kuroko and Kagami over, turning their attention back to them. Thinking it was okay, they had the class president approve of it before they started to work. Receiving her approval, they got to work right away, designating everyone a job to do.

As Nakamura looked over the menu that the girls had come up with, she gave a nod as they were able to come up with a good menu and the list of ingredients for the other group.

"It looks great but I would recommend not putting so many items and I would recommend removing a few of the complicated dishes. If the kitchen staff has too much work to do, then the customers will become impatient from waiting for their order. If you have the servers finish up, then they'll also have the chance to communicate with the customers."

"Wow Nakamura-san, you know a lot about running a cafe."

"Not really. I just helped out alot at my uncle's restaurant when I was younger."

Considering the advice Nakamura gave them, the girls revised their menu and list of ingredients again before giving it to the girl again to check it over. Giving a nod to them, she thought it looked good and got up from her seat to make sure the class president would approve. As the class president looked it over, she gave a nod as it seemed fine to her.

"It seems to be good Nakamura-san. Also, you have more experience with this than me so there's no need to come check with me if you approve of it. I asked you to help me because of the difference in experience."

"I know that Ito-san, however I don't want to go over your head just because I have experience. I want to make sure that you are aware of everything that's going on as class president."

Ito-san gave the girl a smile, glad that they were in the same class. Although they weren't the best of friends, she liked Nakamura for how responsible she was and how she was quick to think on her feet. She was able to handle any situation smoothly without much trouble, which the girl greatly admired her for as that is not an easy skill to obtain. However, despite being more than capable of being a leader, she never stepped out of place and knew her position, like now. Ito trusted the girl's judgement more than her own concerning how to run the cafe, yet Nakamura still took the time to get her approval and make sure she was aware where the group was in terms of getting the menu done.

Giving the papers back, Nakamura turned back around to head over to the group, letting them know that they got the class president's approval. As they passed the list of ingredients to the other half of the group, they now had to think of how they were going to get all the utensils they needed to cook and serve. As they thought about it, Nakamura suggested they asked the economics teacher if they could borrow the equipment used for cooking classes. All the girls agreed, seeing it as a sensible option so they didn't need to bring any from home or buy any. Telling the class president, she thought it was a good idea and had them go to the faculty room now so they could ask for permission. As the group of girls headed over together, Nakamura was excited for how their cafe would turn out to be.

This is more fun than I expected it to be ^.^

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