A Practice Match with Kaijo?

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Nakamura sat at her desk in the empty classroom, unsure of what she should do to kill time until Kuroko was done with practice. She could do her homework, but she knew it wouldn't take her long to complete it. She could've gone home ahead of Kuroko, but her mom texted her ealier saying that she would be home late, meaning she would still be alone. Releasing a sigh, she grabbed her phone and earbuds, deciding to take a walk around the school to relax after the school day before beginning her homework. Walking through the hallway, she scrolls through her playlist, settling on "Beautiful Time" by NCT Dream as her first song. She begins to relax as she listens to the instrumental of the opening, walking down the stairs and pushing open the door. 

Blinking a few times to have her eyes adjust to the sudden increase in light, she continues to walk about with no destination in mind. While wandering around, she begins to hum along to the song, internally fangirling when she hears Mark voice . All of a sudden, she heard a bunch of whispering and screaming near the entrance of the school. Knowing that they weren't screaming over Mark Lee, she walked closer to the entrance, wondering what was causing the girls to be riled up. She noticed a blonde-haired student talking to a girl, but couldn't see his face because his back was towards her. Taking a glance at the uniform, she realized he must be from another school and was asking directions.

If all the girls were screaming over him, he must be someone popular or he must be really handsome. But wow, he really looks like him from the back. She takes out an earbud to try and hear what the girls were saying about him.

"Nee, nee, isn't that guy really handsome?"

"Wow he's tall and seems fit. Not only that but he's good looking!"

"I can't believe he's actually here. It can't be him right?"

"Oh my god, I'm pretty sure that's the model Kise!"

Wait...Did they just say Kise? No way. It couldn't possibly be him.

As the guy turns around, Nakamura felt like crying when she realizes who it was. The smile that was always on his face, how he would always throw his arm around her when wanting comfort from not being able to beat Aomine, how he had his hands in his pocket while tilting his head at a 45 degree angle because he claimed it made him look 'cooler', Kise Ryouta was standing 90 feet away from her. Despite it being a couple years since they've seen each other, she knew she would still be able to spot him from a mile away (and not just because of his hair lmao)

What the hell is Ryouta doing here? What business would he have at Seirin.... Is it Tetsuya? Have they been keeping in contact with one another? That means he would be headed to the gym right? Should I approach him? Should I not? What do I do? 

Nakamura took one step foward and then took five steps back, quickly turning around and running to the closest entrance to the building that she could find. Even though he was probably here for Kuroko, the thought of being seen by him made her too nervous to think properly and she ended up running back to her classroom in a panic. Slamming the door shut and leaning against the door, slowly falling to sit on the floor, she puts her earbuds back in, hoping that the music calms her down somehow. She pulls her knees to her body and buries her face, trying to even her breathing. She lets out small whimpers, trying not to recall it.

Oh god I just want to go home now

~Time Skip~

Nakamura leaned against the entrance of the school, waiting for Kuroko to finish practice so they could walk home together. Seeing him approach her, she gives a small nod to greet him. Kuroko apologizes for having her wait for him and they begin to head home together, silence engulfing the two. Thinking about what Coach had told him earlier, Kuroko knew it would better to tell her now rather than later.


"Hmm? What's up Tetsuya?"

"The coach scheduled a practice match with Kaijo."

"Oh? Are they a strong school?"

"Yes. They are a nationally ranked high school, always participating in the Inter-High."

"Isn't that great? It'll be good to see if you work well with the senpais."

"Yes. It is. But that's not all. People say they'll be particualrly strong this year because Kise-kun is a part of the baseketball team."

That's when Nakamura widen her eyes and realizes why Kise was at Seirin earlier. If he knew that Kuroko attended Seirin and Seirin was their next opponent, he WOULD come to visit. Even if Kuroko didn't attend the school, Kise would still have the opportunity to check out Seirin's basketball team. "Nakamura-san? Nakamura-san? Are you okay?"

Nakamura turned to make eye contact with Kuroko, seeing his worried face. "Yes I'm okay Tetsuya. Sorry about that." Kuroko shook his head, telling her, "No need to apologize. It's just that you're much quieter now and it worried me a little bit. If there's something on your mind, I'm always willing to listen. Of course only if you're comfortably enough sharing it." Now it was Nakamura's turn to shake her head, apologizing because Kuroko was just worried about her. "Actually.....I saw Ryouta earlier. I was taking a walk when I saw him coming through the entrance of the school...... My therapist said I should try talking to them again, but when I tried to approach him, I ended up running back to the classroom.....like the coward that I am."

Despite her whispering the last part, Kuroko frowned when he heard it leave her mouth. "Nakamura-san please don't call yourself a coward. You went through alot during middle school yet you're still standing here with me. You shouldn't put yourself down like that. You are the only person who is with you your entire life so you should treat yourself with kindness. If you're not ready now, then there's no need to rush it. Just remember that you need to give yourself time to heal." Nakamura felt her eyes water and gave Kuroko a small smile as she was grateful for what he had just said to her. "Thank you Tetsuya. That means a lot to me. Maybe I will come along to your practice match with Kaijo. I think it's time I push myself to do what my therapist says."

Kuroko looks at her with uncertainty after she said that. "Are you sure? I was going to invite you to come to the practice match, but if that's how you reacted to just seeing Kise-kun earlier, I don't know if you should come anymore..." Nakamura scrunches up her face, thinking about what Kuroko just said as they approached her house. With one hand on the gate, she faces Kuroko and tells him, "I won't make progress if I continue to hide myself from them. If you can face them, then I should be able too." Kuroko nods, as he knew Nakamura was aware of her own limits and wouldn't be doing this if she thought she wasn't ready yet. Wanting to support her, he said, "I understand. Then I'll tell the coach that I'll be bringing someone along to the practice match. I'll see you tomorrow then Nakamura-san. Good night."

Nakamura gave a small wave, saying, "Thank you Tetsuya. Then, I'll see you later. Good night." With that, Kuroko continues his walk to his house while Nakamura walks through the gate to her house.

I'm sorry for relying on you Tetsuya

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