One More Day

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Nakamura changed into jeans and a white T-shirt before slipping on a gray sweater and black jacket, making sure she had everything in her purse before leaving the house.

I could go watch Tetsuya practice with Daiki, but I feel like I'd just be a nuisance

Letting out a sigh, she took a walk around town to try and relax before the back-to-back matches Seirin had would start tomorrow.

I hope the team can handle it

Passing by a sports shop, Nakamura stopped inside to buy vitamins, supplements, and heat patches for the team.

Senpai will probably have some, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra

Finding a vending machine down the street, Nakamura slipped some coins in before hitting the button for a lemon tea. Bending down to grab it and opening the can, she leaned her back against a building to think about what to do next when she recognized someone leave the shoe store next to her.


Hearing someone call her name, Momoi turned around and was surprised to see her friend leaning against the wall.

"Yu-chan! It's been so long!"

Throwing herself at the girl, Nakamura tried not to drop her drink as she caught Momoi in her arms.

"Satsuki, we literally saw each other the other day when we had a match."

"Yeah, but that was a match! I meant outside of games! What are you doing here?"

"I was just taking a walk and picking up a few things for Seirin. What about you?"

"I was buying shoes for Aomine-kun. He asked me to accompany him to get them, but he forgot about it! Can you believe him?!"

Nakamura felt a little bad, knowing Aomine forgot about it because Kuroko asked him for help with shooting, but also felt annoyed that the boy forgot to cancel with her.

"Sorry Satsuki, that sucks. Do you want me to accompany you then? I'm free today."

"Eh? Really?! Let's do that! We haven't had a girl's day in forever!"

Walking side by side, the girls walked around town for a while to do some shopping together. Stopping in a cafe, they dropped their bags at a table with a window view and ordered a drink. As they received it, silence engulfed the two for a little bit, both of them enjoying the silence, before Nakamura consulted Momoi about what was on her mind.

Maybe Satsuki can help me...

"Satsuki...... How did you know you liked Tetsuya?"

It took Momoi a second to register what the girl had asked, not believing the question that left her mouth.

"Eh? Yu-chan, you've never shown interest in dating before! What happened?! Oh my god, do you like someone?! Who is it?! Is it someone from Seirin?! Or someone from another school?! Nee, tell me!"

"Calm down Satsuki! I was just asking."

"But why were you asking?"

Nakamura scratched her head, not knowing how to answer the question. Momoi noticed the light blush and got excited again.

"So you do like someone!"

"Satsuki, please. Just answer my question."

Satsuki laughed as Nakamura pouted.

"Hmmm, well I don't know exactly when I started to like Testsu-kun, but I knew I liked him when I realized I felt different around him."

"When you felt different? What do you mean by that?"

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