Coach's Father?!

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Nakamura sneezed as the team left the onsen, feeling a chill go through her body as she zipped up her jacket. Before they could leave the entrance though, Kuroko had pointed out that Kagami had been missing since this morning. Thinking that he was still sleeping, Riko dismissed the assumption and told the team that Kagami wouldn't be training with them for a while. Surprised that Kagami had suddenly disappeared, Riko didn't seem to be worried so everyone assumed that everything was fine.

As they left the area, the team was ready to head home when Riko had stopped them, giving an innocent smile.

"Where do you think you guys are going? We're going to be starting the training camp right now."

Surprised as neither Riko nor Nakamura had warned them about a training camp, the team entered a gymnasium to see someone waiting for them.

"Have all the brats gathered?"

"Coach's dad?!"

"Don't call me dad. You guys can call me Kagetora-san."

"Kagetora-san, why are you here?"

"Because my lovely daughter asked me to be here. I came to make you stronger. First, I have a question for all of you. Step forward if you saw Riko naked yesterday."

He has a gun?!

Nakamura couldn't believe that the man had actually pulled out a gun and had cocked the weapon. She let out another sneeze before pulling up her scarf to cover her face, watching the team freak out and try to hide behind one another.

"Come forward now and I'll kill you painlessly with a single headshot. Listen up! I'm the only one who can see Riko naked-"

"No you can't!"

"What?! Riko-tan, you said you'd marry Daddy when you were little-"

"Just get started already!"

Hearing Riko abuse her father, Nakamura rubbed her right eye and remembered to ask Riko if she could get contacts. Hearing Kagetora tell the boys to strip and to get in a line, Nakamura took the chance to walk up to Riko and ask if she could get contacts from a nearby eye care store later. Remembering her broken glasses, Riko said that she would go out and get them later for her after the boys start their training. Thanking the girl, Nakamura stood next to Riko as they waited for Kagetora to finish scanning the members' bodies.

Hearing the man compliment the members for their improvement, Nakamura couldn't hide her surprise when he suddenly told them to go play cops and robbers for three hours in the mountains. 

Three hours?! Holy crap!

As Riko asked her father what the exercise was, Kagetora explained that although the players had improved physically, they still didn't know how to use their muscles. To become acclimated to the muscles they've built, having them run around in the mountains would be the quickest way in doing so. 

Seeing as the boys would be busy for three hours, Riko told her father that she would be heading back out. Crying tears and going over to give her a hug, Kagetora took the punch that Riko gave him as he asked where she was going when they had just reunited. Embarassed by how doting her father was being, Riko blushed and told him she needed to go get contacts for their manager. 

Kagetora tore his eyes from his daughter and looked at the other female that was standing in the room. Feeling nervous from the staring, Nakamura took the chance to introduce herself.

"Nice to meet you Kagetora-san. My name is Nakamura Yuyan and I'm the manager for Seirin."

Being met with silence as the man continued to stare at her, Nakamura didn't know what to do until he suddenly engulfed her in a hug while seeming to have his head in clouds as he said, "Awww you're so loveable!"

Nakamura froze as he hugged her, not sure with what she should do with the man she barely knew. Although Riko felt bad as she knew how her father could be, she took the chance to slip out and to find contacts for their manager.

As Kagetora let go of Nakamura, he noticed the bandaged eye and recalled what happened to her when he watched the tape of Kirisaki Daiichi's match. He wasn't her father but if that had happened to Riko, he would have died on the spot.

Do her parents know? Have they checked up on her?

Ignoring his thoughts, he gave a smile and said that he heard great things about her from Riko, especially her data collecting skills. Asking to see some of her notes, Nakamura dug around her bag so she could pull out the data she collected on Seirin. Receiving the notebook full of papers sticking out, he was surprised with how detailed and organized the notes actually were. 

The girl didn't have the Ability Scan like he and Riko did, however it didn't stop her from writing down more-than-accurate assumptions of their stats. She also wrote down how each of the members improved, what they could do to improve, and old and new training menu ideas. She also wrote small ideas about what meals and snacks she could make to improve the member's health and muscles.

"I'm impressed. You do much more than what is expected of as a manager."

"It's not much. I have experience collecting data, so I figured there was no reason to not help out the team. I also help make strategies with coach and Hyuuga-senpai."

Kagetora knew that she was the manager in middle school as Riko had told him, however he couldn't believe that thirteen year olds were able to do such things when they were so young.

"Want to help us come up with training menus for the rest of the month? We're always looking for ideas and input."

"If you're willing to have me, I would love to help out and learn."

Feeling a smile grow on his face, he ruffled the girl's hair and was glad to have her help out. As Riko returned with contacts, Nakamura gave the girl a thousand thanks as it meant she would now be able to see. Taking the contacts from Riko, Nakamura excused herself so she could go to the bathroom to put it in and to treat the cut on her eye.

Making sure the girl had left the rooom, Kagetora faced his daughter with a serious expression as he brought up his concern.

"Her parents? I think she told her mom last night when she told her that she broke her glasses and needed to get them replaced."

"What about her father?"

"Her parents are divorced. She lives with her mom and she's never mentioned her dad, so I assume they aren't on talking terms. Why do you ask?"

"I'm a little concerned for her."

Riko thought about the girl's family situation. Relationships between people are complicated. Not everyone has a happy family, so if the parents were divorced, it didn't mean the girl would be on talking terms with both of the parents.

"Did something happen for you to worry about her?"

"It's not much to go off on, but when I hugged her, she froze and was completely stiff. To me, it seemed like being hugged by a father was a foreign thing to her."

"What are you saying papa?"

"I don't want to make any assumptions since it's not my business...... But I don't think she had a very loving father."

Realizing what her father was implying, Riko couldn't hide her shock. She tried to think it wasn't like that, but she realized she actually didn't know much about their manager. Going over what she did know, Riko noticed that the girl never really talked about herself. . 

The only reason they knew she moved to Kyoto was because Kuroko had told them.

The only reason they knew she was homeschooled was because Kuroko had told them.

The only reason they knew her mother was a doctor was because Kuroko had told them. 

The only reason they knew she had business experience was because Kuroko had told them.

Everything the team knew about their manager had been said by Kuroko.

What are you hiding Nakamura-san?

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