There Was Always 2 Of Him

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Everyone was spread out in Kagami's apartment as they prepared for the match against Rakuzan tomorrow after hearing Kuroko's story. The team was sitting around the table in the living room except for Nakamura who had taken a call out on the balcony.


Kuroko raised his head to see Riko motioning towards him to come towards her. As the team continued discussing strategies for tomorrow, Kuroko made his way over to Riko who moved to the kitchen where they could talk.

"Did you need something, Coach?"

"I just wanted to ask something. Will Nakamura-san be fine tomorrow?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Her face seemed really stiff earlier. Is it because we're playing against Akashi-kun tomorrow?"

"Most likely. She probably doesn't want to play against him."

"She didn't seem to have a problem playing the other Generation of Miracles' members though."

Kuroko hesitated for a second before saying, "I can't say for sure, but it might be because Akashi-kun had changed the most between all the members."

Riko brought a hand to her chin as her eyebrows furrowed together.

Nakamura-san hasn't really been distracted during a match before, so I'm not completely sure what to do in this situation... Since she's a manager, pulling her off the bench won't really mean anything...

"What about you, Kuroko-kun? Will you be fine playing tomorrow?"

"Yes. Don't worry about me. I'm ready to show Akashi-kun the answer to his question."

"Is that so?"

Riko let out a sigh as she scratched the back of her head.

I'll just have to wait and see Nakamura-san's condition tomorrow

As Riko was lost in her thoughts, Kuroko left her side to go find the girl. Spotting her still outside on the balcony, he could see Nakamura and Kagami were talking with one another when Kagami left the girl's side and came back into the living room.

Walking over to the glass sliding doors, Kuroko slid the door open and greeted the girl as he stepped onto the balcony and shut the door behind him.

"You'll catch a cold if you're only wearing a sweater."

"I'm fine, Tetsuya. I could say the same for you when you're only wearing a long-sleeve."

Kuroko stood next to Nakamura and leaned against the railing as the girl crossed her arms and did the same.

"What were you talking about with Kagami-kun?"

"Not much. I just asked him if Alex-san and Himuro-san were doing okay after meeting Haizaki."

"Shouldn't you worry about yourself first?"

"I'm fine."


The girl could hear frustration laced in Kuroko's voice and knew it was because of how laidback she was being. Propping up her right arm and leaning her chin against her hand, Nakamura turned her head to the left to look Kuroko in the eye.

"I'm seriously fine. If you're worried that I started having nightmares again, I didn't."

"Your eyebags say otherwise."

"Tetsuya, I always have eyebags. That's not really a reason anymore."

Kuroko studied the girl's face and figured that she was telling the truth about being somewhat fine.

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