Entrance Ceremony

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Note: This is my first time ever writing a story so please excuse me if it really isn't that good. I got this idea after binge watching the anime again and the quarantine also got me bored as hell. I'm not a writer but I decided I should step out of my comfort zone and try it.

There may be a few inappropriate words for swearing but I'll censor those. I mentioned it in my summary but I'll be following the anime and idk if I'm going to make this a romance. I probably will but I didn't think about it initially so I don't have a pairing in mind. The image is suppose to be the character and does not belong to me, I found it on Google. Credits to the artist!

Thanking you for taking the time to read my story! I appreciate it.


The girl groaned as she turned off her alarm and struggled to get out of bed. Slowly pulling off the covers and rubbing her eyes, she yawns as she hauls her body from her bed. Trying to unknot her hair, Nakamura Yuyan headed to the bathroom to wash up for the day.

As she enters her bedroom after freshening up, she could feel the butterflies coming to her stomach while staring at her school uniform. As excited as she was, she couldn't help feeling nervous as she was homeschooled for the last couple of years. The thought of attending a school again made her jittery but she calmed herself down after remembering that she wouldn't be alone there.

As she stands in front of her mirror, she continues to smooth out and fix her uniform until satisfied with how she looked. After giving herself a nod, she heads downstairs for breakfast while greeting her mom, but was met with silence. Walking into the kitchen, she immediately notices the bright yellow sticky note stuck next to a slow cooker full of congee (also known as Chinese rice porridge) on the counter.

"Sorry sweetie but I was called in to work today. Might not be home tonight so I made extra congee for dinner. Don't be nervous today! 加油!" (Jia You, meaning fighting or good luck, meant to be words of encouragement and support in Chinese)

Yuyan sighed as she read the note, not surprised that her mom wouldn't be able to send her off on a day like today. She eats her congee in peace while daydreaming of how the today would go, until her phone beeps, bringing her out of her trance. She flips open her phone to see that someone texted her.

"I'm outside."

She quickly cleans up and heads to grab her school bag from the living room. After putting on her shoes, she checks to make sure she has her phone, wallet, and keys before leaving the house. After locking the door, she heads to open the gate, noticing a boy leaning next to the name plate of the house. She smiles as she thinks of how lucky she was to be able to attend the same high school as her childhood friend.

"Good morning Tetsuya."

"Good morning Nakamura-san. Shall we get going?"


As the wind blew on the quiet spring morning, Nakamura and Kuroko engaged in small talk, catching up with one another. As they continued on their walk, the crowd of students grew and grew by the minute, the silence slowly disappearing as everyone were chattering about their excitement as starting their days as high school students.

After confirming that they were in the same class, Nakamura and Kuroko headed to the auditorium together where the entrance ceremony was being held for the first half of the day. The second half of the day was meant for the new students to look around clubs, as the school made it necessary for every student to be a part of at least one club by the end of the first month of school starting. As they both settled in their seats and set their bags on the floor, Kuroko takes the chance to Nakamura what was on his mind.


"Yes Tetsuya?" she says while turning her body to make eye contact with her friend.

"Have you thought about what club you'll be joining while you're at Seirin?"

She pauses, thinking about his question as she realizes she hadn't thought about it yet.

"No I haven't thought much about it but maybe I'll join the orchestra club. I haven't touched my violin since that happened so I could touch up my skills."

As he listens, Kuroko thinks about how to word his next question, eventually asking her, "Nakamura-san.....why don't you think about joining the basketball club? You would be a great manager." Nakamura pauses at what he had just said, thinking about Teiko. Although she wasn't able to graduate with them, she never forgot about what happened during her time as a manager.

"Tetsuya, I don't know about that....After everything that happened at Teiko, I just don't know if basketball is worth it." Nakamura bites her bottom lip and avoids eye contact with Kuroko by turning to face the stage. Silence passes between the two before Kuroko opens his mouth again to say, "I know that you're serious about basketball. Everyone could see your passion and love for the sport. I think before you join a club, you should still consider basketball as an option."

After saying his part, Kuroko turns to face the stage as the entrance ceremony begins for the freshman students. While the principal drones on with their speech and whatnot, Nakamura sits and thinks about what Kuroko had just told her. Should she think about joining the basketball team as a manager again? She wasn't at Teiko. This team would be different from then. But she was afraid. Afraid that the Seirin team would turn out to be what she feared. What would she do if she had to deal with that again? How would she survive that a second time? She shook her head. The answer was simple. She wouldn't. Her mental health wasn't strong enough to deal with it again, more so when she was still receving therapy for that.

She continued to think about it during the whole entrance ceremony, unsure of what she should do now. As the ceremony was ending, there was an annoucement reminding the students that everyone should take the chance to look at the clubs, even if they weren't planning on joining one today. As the students were filing out the doors one by one, Nakamura told Kuroko that she was going to take a look around the clubs on her own, assuming that he was going straight to the basketball club. Kuroko nodded and walked off while reading a book he brought along.

As Nakamura stood in front of the board displaying where clubs were located, all she could do was stand in place and think f*ck.

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