Seirin's Culture Festival Part 4

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Sliding the door open to the nurse's office, Nakamura and Izuki entered the silence room.

I know the faculty members get time off during the culture festival but wouldn't it be smart to at least have the nurse work? In case sometimes happens to the visitors.

Nakamura settled on the stool that was place in front of the nurse's chair while Izuki went to grab bandages, disinfectant, cotton balls, ointment, and wipes from the shelf. Bringing the items over, Izuki took her arm first to wipe the blood off, noticing how deep her wound actually was. It looked to be only a small cut but was really deep, assuming that one of the corners of the book must have dug into her arm earlier. Seeming to get the wound to stop bleeding, he tossed the wipes to the side as he grabbed the disinfectant next, pouring a little onto a cotton ball.

Knowing it was going to sting, he tried his best to be gentle, but it went unnoticed by Nakamura as she flinched and pulled her arm back.

"That hurts Izuki-senpai!"

"It can't be helped. We have to disinfect it first before putting ointment on."

"But it stings. I don't want to disinfect it."

"Isn't your mom a doctor? You know what could possibly happen if we don't disinfect it, right?"


"And you still don't want to?"

"That's right."

"Nakamura-san, you know I can't allow that."

"But it hurts a lot senpai. :("

Izuki let out a sigh, not expecting the girl to have such a childish side to her when it came to pain.

"You know Nakamura-san, you're acting a lot like a child right now."


"I thought you were more mature than that."

"Any human with normal working pain receptors would react like I am."

"Not if they wanted to get their wounds treated."

"Okay cool. I don't want this then."

"Nakamura-san, you realize we're not leaving until you're treated right?"

"...... Fine. I'll try not to move."

Satisfied that he was somehow able to convince the girl to deal with the disinfectant, he held her arm tight enough so she couldn't move but not so tight that he would hurt her. Finishing with the disinfectant, he applied the ointment to her arm before wrapping her arm with bandages. Glad that the girl wasn't overly difficult, he told her that she should be fine and expected her to tell someone if she noticed something was wrong with her wound. Thanking Izuki for helping her, she helped him clean up before they left the room. 

As Izuki escorted her back to her classroom, they made light conversation with one another about how the school festival was going for them. Obviously the event earlier with the falling bookcase wasn't ideal for her, but nonetheless Nakamura said that it has been a few years since she participated in a school festival and was happy with her experience so far. Glad to see the girl enjoying herself, Izuki complained about how no one screamed when they passed by him in the haunted house despite the bloody costume he prepared. Asking him if he was saying anything to the visitors, he casually mentioned how he would make puns about haunted houses and horror things in general. Laughing as his response, she told him that it would probably be more effective if he didn't say anything to the visitors, as his puns made him a less scary person. Taking that into consideration, he thought about changing it up when he returned.

Walking down the staircase, Nakamura and Izuki were on the second year student's floor when she felt someone grab her bandaged arm. Wincing in pain, she turned to see three high school boys who seemed to be from a different school. 

"Woah ho there's a maid."

"Are they having an event where people can rent a maid for the day?"

"Hey girl, are you on a break right now? Wanna show us around for a little bit?"

"Excuse me, can you let her go? You can tell she doesn't want to be touched."

Nakamura's face twisted even more in pain as the student tightened his hold on her wrist, feeling her veins throbbing. Izuki wasn't one for violence so he was trying to have the guy let go of her wrist without having to use force, however the more Izuki tried to make him let go, the more furious the guy got. Tightening his hold even more, it caused her to cry out in pain and she started to struggle.

"Ow! OW! Let me go! You're hurting me!"

"You know, you're real cute in the maid outfit. Not only that but it's amusing watching you struggle when you have the strength of a cat."

"You better watch it asshole. A cat still has claws."

Ignoring what she said, the guy pulled Nakamura towards him, grabbing her chin when Izuki grabbed his arm, twisting it so he would release his hold. As the other two guys were about to step in, there was sudden screaming in the hallway before they were able to do anything.


Izuki and Nakamura both looked over to see Hyuuga and Riko running towards them, Riko having her paper fan ready. Walking up to the boys, Riko didn't hesitate to hit them in the head, allowing Nakamura to be released. Rubbing her arm, Izuki checked on her while Hyuuga was lecturing the boys. After finding out they were first years, Hyuuga took his turn to hit them, getting ready to discipline his 'kouhais'. Watching them abuse the boys, Nakamura and Izuki could only sweat drop as they knew the coach and the captain were heartless people when it came to teaching someone a lesson. Stepping in, Nakamura tried to stop Hyuuga and Riko from attacking the boys, telling them that she was okay.

As Nakamura was convincing them, the three boys took the opportunity to run down the staircase to escape their death. Before Hyuuga and Riko had the chance to go after them, Nakamura stopped Riko while Izuki grabbed Hyuuga, telling them that they learned their lesson for sure. Looking unsatisfied as they weren't able to fully finished their 'lesson', Riko and Hyuuga decided to go with them in case something would happen again, all of them walking to Nakamura's classroom.

"I wanted to ask you Hyuuga-senpai... I know your class is doing a costume booth but... What are you wearing?"

"Oh this? This is Date Masamune's uniform from when he was a warrior during the Sengoku era. Looks good right?"

"Why senpai?... Why?"

"Why not?"

"Coach, I can't believe you allowed this to happen."

"Oi! What do you mean by that?!"

"I can't believe it either. But I knew he wouldn't listen to me so I didn't say anything."

"Wha-?! Don't you guys think I look cool in it?!"

"Izuki-senpai, please say something."

"I got it! What do you call a lying samurai? Full of Bushido!"

"Senpai, you're useless."

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