Present Day

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Believe it or not me and Cameron worked through our differences and he was in the delivery room when Sophie was born. After that we don't really see much of each other. From what taylor tells me he's been sleeping around and he basically has a different girl every night. Fun right?

Because he chose this life I don't like him having Sophie but he's her father and I don't want her to grow up without one.

I forgot to mention this whole taylor thing too. We're kind of together but we're not at the same time. We spend a lot of time together and he helps me with the baby but we're not clingy.

We hook up sometimes but we can see other people and be perfectly fine with it. I know it's a great lifestyle for a 19 year old. Single mom who is friends with benefits with her ex-boyfriends (we never had the wedding) old best friend. Well trust me I never planned it to go this way. And I would take Cameron back in a heartbeat if he wanted me.

"Good morning beautiful." Taylor says as he wraps his arms around my waist. I spin so our noses almost touch.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"It was a little rough." I answer. Today I have to send Sophie to California with my mom for the whole summer. It was my choice but since I moved to Miami my mom misses her and why not get a break for awhile and live my life.

"She'll be fine. you're moms gone through this before."

"I know but that's three months without her." I could here her crying from her room down the hall. "and that's my que."

I picked her up out of her crib and pulled her close. I tangled my fingers in her messy brown hair and rocked her. "Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning mommy." she said. she can talk now but some words come out slurred and choppy and it's the cutest thing ever. And this little bundle of joy is mine.

She looks at me with her big brown eyes and then I remember she has his eyes. Sometimes I look at her a yearn for Cameron's touch. I miss his arms around me at night. I miss the way he used to look at me and his whole face lit up. I miss his presence. I miss who he used to be.

I know they say people change and life goes on but it's different. Cameron was going somewhere with his life and now he's a drunk man whore. Well that was the last time I seen him. It's been over a year. Taylor usually takes the baby back and fourth so we can avoid each other but I'm going to have to see him today.
I pull Sophie out of the tub and wrap her in the towel. She attempts to dry her hair but she just tangles it more than it already is. "Okay go to Taylor and he'll get you dressed."

She kisses my nose and runs out of the bathroom and down the hall. I strip down and jump in the shower.

When I get out I throw on a grey crew neck with a pair of dark ripped shorts and my hair in a messy bun. I figure makeup isn't necessary because Cameron will probably look like a slob anyway so why bother. Just as I pull my hair up the doorbell rings. this is the moment of truth.

When I walk to the kitchen I see him. Well the back of him. He's turned around holding Sophie in his arms and she has the biggest smile on her face. Cameron has on a pair of black jeans and a red t-shirt. He doesn't look like I remember him. He turns around and it feel like the weight of the world fell on my shoulders. I finally see his face light up like it used too.

His hair in a perfect side sweep and big brown eyes brighter than ever his lips so perfect I just want to kiss him right now. He smiles and I forget I have to breath "hey." he says and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey." that's all I can say. I have a kid with this guy and I can't even think of two words to say to him. Well I can think of two but I don't think this would be an appropriate time to say them.

He hangs out for awhile and then my mom shows up to take the baby. Saying goodbye was the hardest part. But I was strong and I let her go. I could always go visit if I really needed too.

When my parents left Taylor left to leaving me and Cam alone. We stood in the kitchen making small talk but the whole thing felt awkward. Cam clears his throat "so can we talk about something?"

I hop up on the counter "Sure."

His takes in a deep breath "so what happened between us."

I look down at my dangling feet. I don't want to talk about this. I just want to have what I used to have with him. "Well you started going out and drinking a lot and you would come home and have a hangover and be a total dick to me. you weren't even there for me."

His hands run through his hair "Alicia I'm so sorry. I was so scared about having a baby and everything just caught up to me. I cannot apologize enough. But I haven't even thought about drinking in over a year."

"Well I'm glad you're back. I missed this Cameron."

The silence that follows deafens me. I look up at him watching his hands. Something he does when he's nervous

"Alicia I'm still in love with you."

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