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"No when I got there she told me she was never pregnant but she needed an excuse to see me. So I called her a freak, left and now I'm here."

What the fuck? That cannot be real he just made that up. " then let me see the messages.

I got closer as he typed in his password, Sophie's birthday. Why couldn't I think of that? I read all of this messages and they were exactly like Cameron said.

Well this is awkward now. I took a step back and looked at the ground. The silence was almost unbearable.

"Sooo what do we do now?" I said trying not to laugh because this whole situation was so messed up.

Cameron didn't say anything just looked up with an almost straight face. Within seconds we were both lagging our asses off.

"Do you want to come in?" I said between laughs. 

He nodded in walked in. I shut and locked the door and followed him to the kitchen. Cameron opened the refrigerator and I jumped up on the counter. He grabbed a can of pop and leaned against the island directly across from me. When he looked up at me there was something different in his eyes. Not the happiness that they were filled with just moments ago, but they were cold and almost lustfull.

When they met mine it sent chills down my spine.

Boundaries Alicia, boundaries .

I looked to my left trying to avoid the eye contact. It was only a second before I shifted my head to where I could see him out of the corner of my eyes. He still hadn't looked away and I felt the butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

He was the only person who had ever looked at me this way. I mean not even Taylor. But then again my relationship with Taylor was a lot different than this. Yes he cares about me but when we hook up its not because we're in love. But with Cameron it's different.

What if I'm not the only girl that Cameron has ever looked at this way? What is this is how he got all of the girl to go home with him? I cannot let myself be that easy. I will not let myself be like all of those sluts.

He pushed himself off of the counter and took one step towards me. He set his warm hand on my bare thigh and I watched it. It sat for only a second before it was running up my leg. I knew if I let him get there I wouldn't be able to stop myself. I would crave him.

So I pushed his hand down to where it originated from. He looked up at me confused. I guess he's not used to being told no.

But he wasn't giving in that easy, and neither was I. His hand moves from my thigh and to my cheek. He caresses my face and kissed my lips softly, just long enough to leave me wanting more. He leaned in again but instead of my lips he kissed my neck. He left a trail of gentle kisses from behind my ear to my collar bone.

I had to stop him no before it got to far. I pushed his head away with the palm of my hand "Cam stop." I said almost in a whisper.

"Why?" He whispered back into my neck. "We're adults now" he kissed it once again " we don't have to worry about your mom catching us."

I laughed a little because I missed those days. I miss when we were young and stupid. I miss the old, young and wild Cameron Dallas.

But I pushed him away again and this time he looked into my eyes. "that's not it?"

He stepped back. "Oh, well then I get it."

I grabbed his hand "no Cameron it's not that I don't want to. It's just that I don't want to be easy like those other girls. You got what you wanted from them and now you don't even remember their names." I looked up and his eyes met mine. Tears brimmed his.

"Alicia. I messed up and I know that. But I've been fighting for you my whole life, and you have never been easy."

Sorry it's kinda short but I felt like this was a good place to end the chapter so love you guys and I'll try to write soon ❤️

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