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Me and Cameron decided to have a movie night but I set a rule for myself. There has to be boundaries. Cuddling? Okay I guess that's fine. But absolutely nothing more. No kissing, no touching, and no sex. I mean I wouldn't want to be a teenage mother. Oh wait I already am! But that's not the point I just don't want things to move to fast. I mean Cameron hasn't proved anything yet it's been one night. And I know what he said about if things were the other way around and it was really sweet but all I really know is that he's sorry not that he won't be back into his old habits in a day or two. So separate blankets will do.

I grabbed two throw blankets out of the small closet in the hallway and got the popcorn out of the microwave while Cameron picked the movie.

"So what are we watching?"

He picked up The breakfast Club which he knew is my favorite.

"Cameron we don't have to watch that pick something you want to watch."

" I want to watch this. I miss watching it with you every single time you had a nightmare even though you've already seen it about a million times."
That was my comfort movie. Don't ask me why it has no significant meaning to my life. I just happen to enjoy it.

Even the little things he did for me always made me happy. Even if it was just holding my hand a little tighter when we passed a group of girls to assure me i was his and i was the only one he wanted. Or it was making me my favorite food for dinner after a bad day.

i sat on the opposite end of the couch under my own blanket with the bowl of popcorn between us. That should be enough right? Yeah it'll be fine i'm a big girl i know how to handle myself. Cameron got comfortable and looked up and me and smiled. God damn why does he have to be so attractive even when he's not trying to be. I smiled back and looked at the TV but i could feel him still staring at me.

After about a minute i looked back at him only to watch him turn his head like i wouldn't notice. Throughout the movie i could see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me. I didn't look back at him because i knew this trick. He would smile and i would smile, neither of us looking away and then we would kiss and i'm sure you can guess where things went from there, but not tonight.

I woke in the middle of the night on the couch alone. Cameron was nowhere to be found. No note, No text, no missed call he just dipped out after i fell asleep. I heard a buzzing noise from the crack of the couch. That must have been what woke me up. Cameron's phone. An unknown number was calling so i ignored it. On the lock screen i seen a message from some Amanda girl. It read -ok but hurry.

Just what I thought might happen. Cameron left to be with another girl. Did it surprise me? No I knew he couldn't change not that fast. And I let him just come crawling back why am I such an idiot. I looked at the message again. It was sent 52 minutes ago so he must've been gone for awhile now. I tried to read the rest of the messages but he had a password that I couldn't crack.

I walked to the kitchen and set his phone on the counter as I passed by. I opened the junk drawer, grabbed a post it note and a pen. On the sticky note all I wrote was : have a nice life Cameron.

I stuck it to his phone and walked to the door, which was unlocked. He must have thought he could slip out and back in before I even woke up but idiot dropped his phone. After I set his phone on the table on the porch I flipped the outside light off and locked the door.

I made my way to the bathroom to take a nice long shower. It always seems to help when I'm stressed. I let my clothes fall to the floor and stepped in, the water so hot it felt like needles as it hit my skin.

Just as I turned the the water off I hear pounding in the door. As I got closer I could tell it was Cameron. "Alicia let me in."

"that was you're last chance Cameron, forget about me and go home."

"Please let me explain."

No he doesn't deserve another minute of my time. Right? But what if it's like the time I seen him kiss that girl with cancer. Maybe I should let him explain. I sighed.

"You have two minutes." I opened the door and his eyes were puffy like he had been crying. I couldn't give in that easily even though it still hurt me to see him like this "go." Is all I said.

"the girl Amanda, she's the reason that I quit drinking. The last night I drank I got so wasted that I woke up next to her and I didn't even know her name. So obviously stuff happened between us and I didn't even know who this girl was let alone if we used protection or she had an STD or what. So about a week later I went and got tested and I didn't have anything so I just forgot about her and moved on." He paused to catch his breath.

"So if you were over her then why did you see her tonight?"

He took a deep breath. "Well that night at the club I must have gotten her number because today she texted me and I told her to leave me alone and all she said was sorry I just thought you might like to meet your daughter. Now this was over a year ago so it's possible that I had another kid out there somewhere. So I went because I figured that would be the right thing to do."

"So you have another fucking kid?"

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