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As we ate I watched Cameron carefully. I wasn't being creepy or anything I just wanted to see if he would look at another girl while he was with me. And he didn't. Well at least until the end. Or at least I though.

The waiter brought out each of our desserts and as he set them on the table  I glanced up at Cam. His eyes were locked on something across the room. Had he really changed or was he making Googly eyes and some slut?When he noticed I was watching him he looked back at me and smiled. But as we ate he kept glancing up at the same spot.

" I have to use the restroom and then are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

When I was sure he was around the corner I looked up to see what he was so focused on. A young man sat at the table across the room. His little girl squirming in he high chair. He looked so frustrated with the obviously fussy child.

Why was Cameron so intrigued by this?

When Cameron got back he grabbed my hand and pushed in my chair. As he led me to the car I couldn't get the picture of the man and his daughter out of my head.

Once we were on the road heading towards my house I finally decided to ask him.

"Cameron can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything."

"Well I noticed you were looking at that man, the one with the little girl. What was so interesting about him."

Cameron looked at me and then back to the road. "What was interesting was that he was strong enough to be a single father. And maybe he wasn't maybe his wife was on her way or something but I couldn't help but think he was. And I kept thinking about what if things were the other way around? What if you walked out on me and I was left with Sophie? I don't think I could do it. And Alicia I can't tell you how sorry I am. But you are truly one of the strongest people I have ever known."

"Cameron I'm not strong. We just have a daughter that I had to worry about. Her happiness is more important than mine."

Changing the subject he asked " have you talked to you're mom to see how things were going?"

I smiled just thinking about my little girl "Yeah this morning. She said she was doing good and that I could come down to see her anytime I wanted to."

We pulled in my driveway and cam opened my door. I was walking up my driveway I thought about how Taylor wouldn't be here tonight so I would be alone. "Cameron. Do you want to stay with me tonight?"

He smiled and looked at his shoes. " I would love to stay with you."

I'm sorry it's short but it's all the time I have right now. I'm going to try to write more later but if I don't get to it I'm sorry ! Love you all 💋

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