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I let out a deep breath I don't know I was holding in. "Nash I cannot have this conversation with you right now, not under these circumstances."

"Well let me just ask you this. When I told you about Cameron who was the first person you wanted to hold you, and tell you everything was gonna alright?"

My throat felt like it was closing in as he stepped closer to me. I swallowed hard "Cameron."

He stepped even closer backing me against the dresser. I gripped the side when his hand snaked around and grabbed my waist. "And then who?" He whispered

I started into his deep blue eyes "you" the word barely choked out.

He half smirked. "That's what I thought." He grabbed my bag from behind me and walked towards the door leaving me paralyzed by the feeling he had just given me. Right before he walked out of the door he looked at me "are you coming or not?"


I sat beside his bed and stared at the TV. The breakfast club was on but it wasn't the same if I wasn't watching it with him. I looked at him checking to see if anything has changed in the past two minutes since the last time I checked on him. Nothing.

I caught a glimpse or the magazine sitting on the table. The lead story read 'Too much party'. Intrigued by the title I grabbed the magazine and flipped to the indicated page.


The story was about Cameron.

"The recently 21 year old teen sensation Cameron Dallas, had a little bit to much on Saturday night and flipped his car several times. Luckily nobody else was injured in the accident but Cameron still remains is critical condition, just clinging to life." And then It went on about how  these are the people our children look up to blah blah blah bullshit.

Cameron wasn't drinking. None of this was his fault. I wonder if the others had seen this. Just as I headed out to inform them and tell them they needed to straighten it out I heard rustling coming from the bed.

My hand froze on the door handle. Was he finally awake? Most of me wanted to turn around to hug him and kiss him and finally feel a little relief for the first time in over 24 hours. But part of me was afraid. What if he really isn't the same Cameron. What if everything is different. What if we're different.

I took a deep breath in and turned on my toes.

Just as I did his eyes barely fluttered open. "Cameron" I whispered only loud enough for myself to hear.

I ran to the side of his bed and took his hand into mine. With my other hand I gently brushed his messy hair off of his face "Cameron" this time he could hear me.

When his brown eyes met mine he smiled as much as his sore muscles would allow. It him. He's no different then he was the last time I seen him. I could see the Cameron I had always loved in his eyes.

He tried to speak but nothing came out but raspy whispers. He pointed to the small cup of ice water sitting on his tray. I smiled, nodded and handed him the cup.

After he had chugged the whole thing he could kind of make words "I love you." Was the first thing he said to me.

I squeezed his hand a little tighter "I love you too Cameron."

I know this is short but I needed to update and this chapter is important for moving the story along. Wow. Thank you guys for being so amazing through all of this. I love you all.

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