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Why does my brain feel fuzzy? Words Alicia use your words. But my god look at this boy. "Alicia?" His words force me to pull myself together.

"Oh, what?"

He smiled and laughed a little which made me melt inside. "I asked if you were ready?" He held out his hand. I took it and giggled a little.

"You look really nice." Cam said awkwardly. Well at least I'm not the only one who finds this whole thing a little weird.

"you don't look so bad yourself Dallas." When he closed the car door on my side the memories flooded back into my mind.

The first time he crawled through my window because I had a nightmare. Right at that moment he promised to protect me forever. Yeah he sure kept that promise huh.

Our first time together. We'd been friends forever and we were both worried about our first time. We decided that if our first time was with each other it wouldn't be so awkward. But of course it was.

My dad. After the incident Cameron was there for me when and wherever I needed him.

When he finally asked me out. The butterflies in my stomach were uncontrollable. And then when he proposed I got that same feeling.

When Sophie was born and I watched the smile spread across his face when he held her for the first time.

And lastly the last fight we had.

When I finally come back to reality I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Oh no you're not regretting this already are you?" He asked in a worried tone.

I laughed and wiped my face "no , not at all. It's just... Where did we go wrong Cameron?"

His gripped tightened on the wheel. " well I guess we're young and we've never really been with anyone else. And everything with Sophie just happened so fast I think we both kind of fell off somewhere. Me worse than you obviously. But now that we've experienced our freedom I think we're ready this time." Then it went quiet for a minute.

"Alicia I never got to apologize for hurting you like I did. I made a promise to you and I completely ignored it." I watched his jaw tense up as we pulled into a parking spot outside of Olive Garden.

I caressed his face with my hand "Cameron you're everything I've ever wanted. And that will never change."

Before I could even think I was pulling his lips to mine. They moved in perfect sync just like they used to. As things heated up I was wrapping my fingers in his hair and pulling and his hand sliding up my thigh. Before he got any further he stopped and pulled away.

He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry." I looked at my hands in my lap. Why isn't he into me like that anymore. "Trust me it's not that I don't want to it's just that, we have reservations at 7:30 and I figured we should probably eat first." He winked and got out of the car.

I took a deep breath "damn."

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