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Taylor raised his beer and gave me a nod of approval and his cute little smirk. I smiled back and turned my attentions towards Jack G who was yelling over the blasting music. "I feel some beer pong coming on"

The whole room erupted with cheers and hoots and I felt like I was in high school again. Or a party at the magcon house which I miss so much. But I'm not in high school anymore and that part of my life is over now. Like Cameron said were adults now. And that means no petty crushed on your fiancés best friend.

I looked up at Nash who was helping clear off the island to set up cups since we no longer have a ping pong tables due to the last big party we had. Let's just say I made the whole house watch magic mike the night before so when they were drunk they tried dancing on tables. Well Nash climbed on the ping pong table ripping off his shirt but the table buckled under his weight. It was quite a sight but come on nobody does it better than Channing.

His smile was enticing and was most definitely drawing me in. His ocean blue eyes and perfectly white teeth and his body and-

Alicia. Stop. You are engaged. I glanced in Cameron's direction and Nash faded from my mind. Maybe this alcohol intake is messing with me. I've only had one beer and it's messing with my head. Just as I feared, I'm becoming a lightweight.

I used to be able to party all night and sleep all day and repeating the hole routine day in and day out. But then Sophie came along and I haven't touched the stuff except for some champagne at my cousins wedding last spring.

I can't let my reputation go down the drain in front of the boys now can I? I grabbed the vodka and yelled "SHOTS!!!" Soon a swarm a half tipsy boys surrounded me.

Cam wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and whispered "That's the Alicia i remember" into my ear causing the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Then it hit me. The last fight was because of his drinking habits. He's been clean for awhile but what if I wake the beast?

I poured the shots and everyone chased them down and then returned to their game set up. Cameron was walking away but I grabbed his wrist lightly "cam are you sure this is a good idea?"

He smiled and grabbed my face, pulling me in for a kiss."things won't get out of hand, I promise."

He kissed my forehead and went back to helping with the game.

But Cameron was wrong.

Within a half hour the house was full of people half of them I've never even met. I guess the boys invited friends and they invited friends and it all spirals out of control from there.

The house filled with smoke from the weed everyone was smoking and I'm sure you could smell it all the way down the beach. I ran to the hallway making sure nobody was in Sophie's room and when it checked out clear I closed the door and put a towel under it hoping the harmful air wouldn't drift into her room. Of course I would clean and sterilize the house before she returned but I still had another month.

I had been taking it easy on the drinks not wanting to blackout like half of the people here would be tomorrow. But Cameron, Nash, and Taylor were well wasted and stood next to the island in the kitchen waiting for there turn to play beer pong. "Alicia." Cameron yelled.

I pushed my way through the unfamiliar bodies in the way and finally made it to the other side of the sea of people. "How about you and whomever you choose against me a Nash. He smirked. I looked around and seen a dark haired girl I recognized as Madison. We had briefly met and a small party I went to with Taylor.
I called her over and she agreed to play.

"And whites the bet." I smirked back at Cam.

He put his hand on his chin like he was thinking very deeply about it but we all knew it would be something somewhat sexual. Before he could answer Nash chimed in "body shots." He crossed his arms and have me the you won't go through with it look.

He was challenging me so I had to accept. "Okay. And it we win?"

"Well what do you want?" Nash asked.

"Hmmm. If we win you both have to streak through the party."

They looked at each other and nodded meaning it was a deal. I went to go to my side when Cameron's hands snaked around my waist. He turned me swiftly and set me on the counter sliding himself between my legs. His lips barely caressed mine and he spoke "we have a bet of our own."

"And what's that?" I whispered back.

"If I win you're mine tonight. And I take control." His words were slow and lustfull.

"You have yourself a deal Dallas." I playfully pushed his chest and slid off the counter taking my position next to Madison.

"Ladies first." Nash said cockily. Obviously he was confident that they would win.

I through the first ball and made it in the back left cup. "Drunk up boys." I said over confidently and crossed my arms over my chest. Madi followed my actions and I could see the sass in her face. I think I'll like this girl.

The game went on with few misses here and there but before I knew it we both had one cup left. I was up. The ball left my hand and traveled through the air to the other side of the counter. I watched as it bounced off of the rim of the cup and seemed to hang in the air for hours but finally fell shy of the cup and rolled off the counter.

"Shit." I said louder then I meant to. The boys and the crown of people surrounding us roared with excitement.

I was hoping they would miss and we would have another chance but Nash's aim was dead on and the ball plonked in the cups contents. I closed my eyes and sighed. I drank half and Madi drank half and she slammed the cup on the table.

The boys smirked at us for a minute before Cameron yelled "BODY SHOTS" over the music. He grabbed me and laid me on the counter. I pulled up my shirt to my bra line.

I felt the cold liquid form a line down my stomach. Next I felt his warm tongue slide along the same line and stop at my shirt. A second later his tongue was sliding against my bottom lip begging for entrance which I granted happily.

Now it was Nash's turn.

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