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My shaky hands gripped the wheel and the tears blurred my vision. My breath was slow and unsteady as I tried not to speed. I glanced at the clock. 9:35.

20 minutes ago my life was perfect except for the pounding headache. Why did I ever do to deserve this. Life is testing me and I'm about ready to give up. If I lose him the only thing I have to live for is our daughter. Who wants to live a life that you're only living for someone else. Why would you want to live a life you have no will to live.

9:37. Calmness. I felt a wave of relief rush over me and I was overcome by an eerie silence. My breaths were smooth and easy. My head was clear for just a moment. I pulled into the hospital parking lot at 9:38 and the panic was back.

I shoved the keys in my pocket and slammed the door. Once I got inside I ran through the maze of hallways following the signs that read trauma. I didn't try to pull myself together before reaching the waiting room.

The boys were all there but I made eye contact with Nash first. He pushed himself out of his chair and pulled me into a hug. I took a breath before I tried to speak. "How is he?" My words were muffled as I spoke into Nash's chest.

He sniffled a little bit before he answered. "They uh... They think he's going to be okay. Over time. They won't let us see him but they've been keeping us updated." He paused and I didn't move I kept my face buried. "Alicia, he was pronounced dead at 9:37. They revived him but they don't know if he'll ever be the same Cameron."

9:37 when I felt so calm. He was trying to tell me he was alright. Maybe he wasn't I mean that stuff doesn't really happen. Or does it?

"What have they told you?"

"Swelling to the brain and he's not stable yet. They rushed him into immediate surgery trying to control internal bleeding and he.. Died" he choked out "on the table. But they brought him back. They said it was a miracle."

I sat down feeling lightheaded from the whole situation. It was to much to take in. "How did it happen?" I said barely above a whisper.

Nash was now sitting across from me his weight resting on his elbows. He looked at his hands in his lap. "A drunk driver swerved at an intersection. Cam's car flipped 3 times. They said with the damage he should be dead. Ya know for real."

I rested my head on the wall behind me.

It's been hours. The guys fell asleep except for Taylor who I think went to find food. I couldn't even think about sleep or food.

We should be at home right now. We should be asleep and in the morning he should wake up right next to me.

Taylor rounded the corner and sat in the chair next to me. He held out a fresh fruit cup and I shook my head. "You need to eat something. When was the last time you are today."

I thought about it. I had been in bed all day , I didn't eat anything.  I didn't answer I just looked at my feet on the ugly tile floor.

"At least take this." He held out a water bottle. I just stared. "Please." I looked up into his eyes that looked as if he genuinely cared. I smiled a took it.

"Thank you." He nodded back.

We made small talk but honestly I just wanted to see Cameron. I couldn't even seem enthusiastic towards him.

"Are you here for Mr. Dallas?" I stood up anxious to see what the nurse would say. I nodded my head.

"Good news. We have him stabilized but we had to induce a coma until the swelling of his brain reduces. The internal bleeding is controlled and we believe that he will be just fine."

I couldn't keep the tears back "thank you so much."

She rubbed my shoulder "are you family."

"Yes. I'm his wife." She looked at my left hand to see only the engagement ring. She just nodded.

"Would you like to see him?" I smiled through my tears. "Come with me" she said softly.

I followed her through the big metal doors and down the narrow hallway. We stopped in front of the room that said 'Dallas' on the whiteboard.

She opened the door and lead me in. 

He looked so lifeless laying there. His eyes were closed and a tube ran into his mouth supplying his oxygen. He had a cut on his forehead and one down his jawline and his eyes were blackened.

I walked closer. "He can here you but so far he hasn't been able to respond much just a twitch of the finger or nose is the most we've gotten from him. "
And with that she was gone.

I walked closer to him and I felt the knot in my throat. Trying to swallow it I sat in the brown leather chair next to his bed.

I took his limp cold hand in both of mine. "They tell me you can hear me." I got nothing. "Cameron. Can you hear me?" I talked quietly and waited for some sort of sign.

His ring finger on the opposite hand moved slightly. The smile softly spread across my lips " I don't know if that was a sign but I'm going to go with it. Cameron I want you to know that I love you. I have always loved you. And i need you. Sophie needs you. She can't grow up without a dad I know what it's like and I can't put her through that. Cam you have to wake up for me. I can't do this without you. Please Cameron."

I laid my head on the bed next to him. Please god let him live. Don't take him from me not after I just got him back. Please don't take him.

Cameron's hand tensed up around mine.

My head shot up to look at him. His eyes were still closed but i knew he was there. I kissed his hand and looked towards the sky " thank you." I said through the tears.


"So they think he's going to be okay?" Nash ask sitting on my bed while I packed a bag to go to the hospital.

"They said eventually he'll be back to himself. They're going to try to wake him up tomorrow."

He nodded a looked around the room. "Aye Where's a Sophie?"

"She's with my mom for the summer. It's too give me a little break." I folded my last shirt,stuffed it in the bag, and towards towards him. "But honestly this is the most stressful summer of my life." We both laughed.

When it was quite again he looked me straight in the eyes. "Alicia what happened with us at the Magcon house."

I looked down recalling the days Cameron was gone, well the first time. "You rejected me because you thought you were just a rebound to forget about Cameron. And then I left and that was that."

"But I still have feelings for you and you know you feel it too."

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