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Cameron has been in the hospital for three days now, one of which he has been conscious. Today my mom landed at the airport and she's bringing Sophie to see him but she's going to take her back in a couple of days until everything is settled. 

Of course I want her to stay and I miss her like crazy but things are too hectic right now. I'm only thinking of the best for her. I don't want her to grow up like I did.

When my mom had me neither her or my dad were ready and you see where that ended up. After the whole thing with my dad my mom went off the deep end, drinking, sleeping around, and leaving me to fend for myself.

I guess that's where me and Cameron fell in love. He was there when my mom wasn't. We became dependent on one another, and to this day that hasn't changed.

But anyway I want to have my rough edges smoothed before Sophie comes home permanently so she can live the happiest life I can give her.

"When's she going to be here?" Nash asked as we walked down the hallway on our way back from the cafeteria.

"My mom said about a half hour they just landed last time I talked to her. "

He nodded and kept his gaze forward. The silence became awkward. We continued to walk for what seemed like centuries doing everything we could to avoid contact of any kind.

Finally he stopped and turned towards me leaning against the wall behind him. "Are we ever going to finish this conversation."

I stopped also, crossing my arms over my chest and let out a small sigh, making eye contact.

"I don't know what you want me to say Nash?" I spoke softly.  But I didn't know what he wanted me to say.

I couldn't.

He took a step closer "I want you to say you feel the same way about me as I do about you, as I have since the first day I met you."

No. He cannot do this to me right now.

"I'm not going to say I don't have feelings for you. I love you Nash but not in the way you want me too. I am in love with Cameron and I'm going to marry him."

Nash's look turned almost sinister and his hands gripped my waist pulling me towards his body and his lips made contact with mine. But I felt nothing. And that's when I knew Cameron is the only person I will ever truly love.

I pulled away probably slower than I should have and looked into his beautiful eyes. "Alicia, I love you. I know you love Cameron so I'm going to walk away now and I don't plan on looking back. But I will always be here if you change your mind."

His hands released me and he started walking the opposite direction. "You're just going to leave?" I yelled after him.

He turned his head at me but kept walking. He flashed his perfect smile and he was gone.

I looked around hoping nobody saw. We had been alone.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at the screen

Mom: we're in Cam's room where are you?

I smiled and took off running towards the elevator disregarding the events that just took place from my mind.

When I opened the door of his room my mom stood to the side of the bed having a conversation with Aaron and Sophie sat on Cameron's lap. She looked so happy finally seeing him again.

Just wait until we're all together like a family for the first time.

Cameron looked up at me and smiled to witch I returned the favor and Sophie looked up at me. They had the same eyes. The eyes that could make my heart melt. "Mommy!" She screamed.

My mother helped her off the bed and she came running, wrapping her tiny arms around my legs. I lifted her up and kissed her cheek "Hi baby. How was grandmas?"

It was almost nine when everyone had filed out one by one. I walked my mother down to the lobby.

"Alicia can I just tell you how proud I am of you."

I smiled back at her words "what do you mean?"

"I mean that you made a wonderful life for yourself. You didn't make the same mistakes as me. I know I wasn't around a lot when you were growing up, I was a terrible mother. But I love you very much. And Cameron he's amazing and he's an amazing father as well. You two are going to have a long and happy life together with Sophie and maybe more additions to your family when you're both ready. Alicia you are truly a blessing."

I wanted to cry but I kept myself together. "Thank you so much mom. I love you." I said pulling her into a hug.

When I got back to Cameron's room I opened the door softly because Sophie was asleep when I left. She laid curled in his arm sleeping peacefully. God I missed her so much.

When he'd realized I was back he looked up and smiled back at me, holding out his other arm. I gladly took his offer and curled up on his other side where we fell asleep as one happy little family.

Guys I'm sad to say this book is coming to an end here in a few chapters. 😭 but the good news is I'm not going anywhere! I'm most definitely going to write more books more than likely about Cameron because he's my favorite. But I need ideas so if you have some please feel free to message me and I will try to reply. No idea is a stupid idea ❤️

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