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First of all I just want to take all of you so much. I know I can't reply to everyone's messages but I do read most of them and I read the comments and it honestly makes me feel so good. so thank you for motivating me to keep doing what I love.

I open my eyes to a bright stream of light peeking through the curtains. Taylor's no where to be found. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I stand up and walk towards the kitchen. On the way I pass Sophie's room. It's empty, the way I feel inside.

Taylor left a note on the counter " hey I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward situation last night. Call me if you need anything. And have fun with Cameron to night."

Shit. I totally forgot I'm supposed to go out with Cam tonight. What am I going to wear. Where are we going? Why am I working myself up so much? I've been on plenty of dates with him. I mean hell I was about to marry him. Why is everything so different now?

I guess it's just because he changed. He never really was the type to sleep around or do stupid shit like that. But now that I've seen that side of him it kind of changes everything. But maybe a little part of me is turned on by his good boy turned bad vibe.

I hear my phone ringing from the bedroom and run for it. mom. oh no what if something's wrong with Sophie. "hello. mom? Is everything okay?"

"Calm down honey everything's fine. Sophie is still sleeping I just checked on her. I just wanted to see how your first night alone was."

"Well it was okay but I miss her like crazy already."

"You can come see her anytime. I'll even pay for your plane ticket."

"Thanks mom."

"So how was it seeing Cameron for the first time?"

A smile creeped on my face. "well about that."


"Well we talked about stuff and did some stuff and I'm going out with him tonight."

"That's great dear. I knew it was bound to happen again sometime. "

"But do you think I'm rushing into things with him?"

"If you think he's changed, go for it. I trust your judgement."

That pretty much ended it for the conversation with my mom. I sit on the couch, legs crossed and a bowl of cereal in my lap. The TVs on but I'm not paying attention. My mind is some place far away and I let it wonder for awhile.

I remember my first kiss. It was with Cameron in the willow tree. I remember that he was my first love wether or not I wanted to admit it. Back when I was supposed to think boys had cooties I was in love with him. Of course I never told anyone. Me and cam hung out all the time but I could never admit I had a crush on a disgusting creature such as a boy. But then we all hit puberty and everything changed. In high school girls were all over him and he was mine. Well not technically mine but I still wanted him. And theses girls are me so jealous, but I had to pretend that it didn't bother me because I didn't want to ruin anything between us.

Now look at me. Cameron's mine... Again. I guess somewhere we messed up but now we get a second chance. This is our last chance so we have to make it count. I just hope he wants this as bad as I do.


The knock on my door makes me jump. I look at my phone. 7:00. Which means that's Cameron. I take a deep breath. Calm down this is just a trial date to see if he changed. Don't hold your breath I tell myself.

When I open the door Cameron stands there in a blue button up shirt, a tie, that smile across his face, and a dozen roses.

Does the no sex on the first date rule apply is this isn't technically our first date? Because I'm seriously considering it.

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