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Cameron's POV-

Of course I can't sleep. Not only does my whole body ache but my heart hurts just as bad. I'm not upset about one thing in my life if anything I'm more than grateful that I get to hold my beautiful fiancé and my precious daughter in my arms another time.

And that's just it. When I was letting go of life the only thing I could think about was them. I couldn't leave them behind. They were my everything.

They kept me alive.

I looked down at Alicia wrapped in my arm after I felt her body twitch. Her eyelids were fluttering frantically. I knew she was having a nightmare I know this familiar actions. They're the same reason I crawled through her bedroom window every night for four years and pulled her close to comfort her.

I shook her softly to wake her up but not hard enough to scare her. When she opened her eyes the tears welled up inside them. She didn't tell me what she dreamt but she didn't have too. I knew I was now the cause of her nightmares but I would be there every night to hold her close. And everything was going to be more than fine.

Alicia's POV-

It's been almost a year since Cameron's been out of the hospital. He's back to normal with no restrictions or limitations.

Sophie's started school and she's doing amazing. She's so young but she's so smart and she's wonderful.

And as far as our family goes it's about to get a little bigger. We have a baby boy on the way. Cameron's ecstatic. Of course he still wants a bigger family but we're young and have plenty of time so this is it. For awhile at least.

The wedding is planned for next spring and nothing will get in our way this time.

This is a love that will last a lifetime.

And that concludes Cameron and Alicias epic love saga. I know I said there would be a few more chapters but this has been drug out for three books and I think this was a good way to end it. Anyway I'm going to start a new book probably really soon I'm not sure all the details yet but it will be about Cameron so if your into him be sure to check it out. Thank you guys for all the support you've given me. Love you all ❤️

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