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"Cameron.. I feel like I barely even know who you are anymore." he steps closer to me.

"Alicia I'm the same person you've always known. Yeah I went through a rough patch but I'm back. It's me I promise. " My breath starts to hitch when he grabs my legs pushing them open so he could stand between them.

"Alicia I really promise. Just tell me you want me back as bad as I want you. "

I take a deep breath "I do Cameron. " His soft lips hit mine and it was like nothing had changed like it was all back to normal. Instantly I wanted more. I wanted his touch. His lips moved to my neck for a minute and back to mine.

The front door clicked shut "Alicia I left my wallet. " It was Taylor. Cam jumped to the side and leaned against the sink. And the awkwardness is back. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something." I just smiled and he winked back at me as he rounded the corner to leave.

"Well if this is going to work again we have to take it slow."

"Slow? I can do that. so how about dinner tomorrow night?."

"I would love to." he kisses me one last time before he leaves and I'm all alone for the first time in forever.

Finally things are falling back into place. The past few years have been great but they're not what I want. I mean I have Sophie and Taylor and I love them very much. But I don't want to see a different guy every other week because they can't handle that I have a kid. I want a real relationship with someone that's going to stick around. and noes my chance to see if that person is Cameron but this is his last chance.


Taylor sits on the other end of the couch while we watch TV. "so you and cam huh? I didn't see that one coming."

I can feel myself blush but it's kind of dark and don't think he can see me. "well we're not officially back together but I hope we can work things out."

"I'm happy for you guys. I've known ever since you showed up at Maicon for the first time you guys were going to last forever... well we can just not count the last few years and it will be forever." I giggle and immediately want to slap myself.

I look at Taylor and I know he's about to ask the question that I don't want to answer right now. A knot swells up in my throat. he looks into my eyes and speaks
"so where does that leave us?"

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