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I felt my throat closing in and the air escaping my lungs. I knew he was going to find out eventually but I didn't want it to be like this and I didn't want it to be now. I'm not ready to explain this right now. I put my hand on my head and tried to catch my breath.

"Look Cameron. I know I fucked up but what did you want me to do? Wait around for you forever while you took a new girl home every night."

He slammed his hand on the table making me jump out of my skin "No Alicia. I knew there was going to be other guys I just didn't think you could be this stupid." The anger in his eyes boiled only making me feel worse.

I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat and fight back the tears. "that's thing there was only one guy."

"Oh so you were just giving it up to Taylor every night after you waited around for him to get back from fucking five other girls."

"It wasn't like that." The first tear slid down my cheek. But it was exactly like that. I knew he was sleeping around we both agreed on it. But I couldn't go through with it, I felt so disgusted with my self. I had a child to think about.

"How could you be acting like a slut while our daughter slept in the next room." He stared me dead in my eyes searching for an answer. But there wasn't one to be found.

How could he call me that. His bitter words stabbed me through the chest. I immediately saw the regret in his eyes and the tears rimming them.

"Alicia I didn't mean that."

"Obviously you did." I looked back down at the test. How could this happen to me. I've been good all my life but it keeps throwing speed bumps in the way.

The tears were streaming down my face by now and Cameron's arms were there to comfort me. "I am so sorry. It slipped out. I swear I don't look at you like that Alicia. I can't even imagine what I put you through."

I could barely make out any words but I tried between the sniffles. "Cameron I just don't know what to do."

"I don't know either." He rubbed my head as he held me close. " But I will be right here. I will not walk out on you again. "

It was quite while I pulled myself back together. He wrapped his hands around my waist and sat me on the counter in front of him. Wiping the tears from my face he put his forehead to mine. "I love you. And I will be by your side. Forever this time."

I looked into his warm eyes and pulled his lips to mine. "I love you Cameron. I always have and I always will."

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he grabbed the bottom of my thighs lifting me from the counter.

I remember the days before me and Cameron went wrong. I was three months pregnant with Sophie and I was hardly showing. The doctors said Sophie was so small she might not even make it to her due date. They thought she might be a stillborn.

The night they told us in the ER me and Cam cried ourselves to sleep. Of course I blamed myself for not knowing and drinking and partying in the magcon house. He assured me it wasn't my fault but I could never get the guilt out of the back of my head.

We laid on the lush green grass of the park, his hand on my stomach. "What if she doesn't make it?"

"It will be hard, I know that. But we can try again in a few years when we're ready." He grabbed my hand pushing his lips softly against my fingers then rubbing over them with his thumb. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I held him tight and as he carried me to the bathroom. Setting me on the toilet he started the shower, stripped off my clothes and helped me in soon joining me. Nothing more happened the night but I had never felt closer to a human being in my life. That's when I knew this time was forever.

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