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My heart pounded and my hands shook. This was it. This was the boy that I've been in love with for so many years. He was gone for awhile but he was finally back. And I was still crazy in love with him.

My body overtook my mind and I grabbed him, pulling his lips to mine. I tangled my fingers in his hair and wrapped my legs around his hips. His hands wrapped under my thighs and he carried me to my room bumping into the wall here and there. Was that going to leave a bruise? Probably. Did I care. Absolutely not.

He laid me in the bed and pulled his shirt over his head. Putting his body between my legs he kissed my neck softly, slowly. I raised my hips to his bare torso because I craved more. He got the hint when he pulled my pants off my ankles.


"God I love you so much." He said in his raspy voice.

I smiled and ran my finger along his chest. Our bare bodies close together.

"I love you" his face was illuminated my the lamp on my bedside table. He raised his hands and I tangled my fingers in his.

It was quiet for a minute. I looked out of the crack in the curtains. The moon lit up the night sky and a million stars were shining bright.

"Can I ask you something?"

I swallowed hard because I knew what he was going ask "yeah?"

"We're you... In love with Taylor?"

No. I wanted to say. But what if I was? At least for a little while. Or did I just use him to get what I wanted. If that was the case then he was using me too. Or what if Taylor was truly in love with me.

"I don't know." Is all I said not making eye contact. I figured I should probably elaborate but I didn't know how to, I didn't even understand it myself. "Well he was here for me, when you weren't. And I guess I was in love with the idea of him being around and everything he did for me and Sophie. But I needed you cam. And you walked out when I needed you the most. You thought it was hard for you? Did you even think about how I would feel about being a teenage mother let alone a single teenage mother Cameron? I mean you were just as much a part of it as I was—" I couldn't finish my sentence before I burst into tears. But this time he was here. He pulled me close to his chest, where I cried myself to sleep.

I woke with Cameron's arms wrapped around me. I took a deep breath and rolled so I was facing him.

He smiled sleepily and breathed out. "good morning beautiful" he said before kissing my forehead. I looked at his big brown eyes and got butterflies. "What time is it."

I turned my head to look at me clock "11:34". His eyes widened.

"Shit." He said "I was supposed to meet my mom and sister for lunch at 12." Cam jumped up and found his scattered clothes. He put on his boxers and his sweatpants and flung his shirt over his shoulder. "I'm so sorry to run out on you like this." I sat up and kissed him. "But I love you."

He walked out of the door and closed it behind him. Not even a second later it opened and his head peeked in "see you later?"

"Absolutely." He smiled and blew me a kiss. When he was gone I laid my head back on my pillow and I couldn't help but smile.

I got up and threw on a pair of shorts and a hoodie and walked to the kitchen. In the hallway was overcome with nausea. I stopped and put my hand over my stomach. Taking in a long, deep breath I leaned my back against the wall.

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