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When Cameron finally got back that day I still hasn't decided how to tell him. When I heard the door close behind him my stomach did flips.

"Honey, I'm home." He walked around the corner and smiled. I was sitting on the couch so he ran and tackled me to my back and kissed me. "Oh I missed you so much." Just looking at him made me want to curl up in a ball and cry. How could I do this to him.

"I missed you too." I replied putting my hand on the back of his head and pulling it to me chest. "Cameron I love you." I said barely above a whisper.

A smile crept on his face "you don't know how long I've waited to here those words again." He hugged me tighter.

I couldn't tell him now I can't ruin this. I just wanted one more day with him in case in the end he bails out again. Of course this time I wouldn't blame him. Because this time it would really be my fault unlike the last time when he blamed it on me but I did nothing wrong.

As we cuddled on the couch I debated my options. I knew I couldn't go through with an abortion so that was out. Adoption wasn't what I wanted to do but I would consider it if that's what Taylor wanted. And finally keeping the baby. I could see it now. At mine and Cameron's wedding my second baby daddy is the best man while mine and Cameron's child walks down the isle throwing petals and mine and the best mans child walks down baring the rings. That wouldn't be weird at all. God why am I such a slut.

Stop thinking like that. Cameron left and I didn't think he was ever coming back so it was right of me to move on. It just so happened that I moved on my having unprotected sex with one of his best friends.

"Alicia?" His words pulled me out of my trance. I looked up at him. "I asked if you talked to Sophie today?" He laughed.

"Oh. Yeah my mom was taking her to the beach about an hour ago"

"We should take a trip to see her. I haven't really seen her as much as I would have like too these past couple of years."

Just as the words "well whose fault is that" we're about to roll off if my tongue he started again " don't even say anything smart, I know it's my fault."

"Me? Say something smart to you? I wouldn't dream of it." Obviously sensing the sarcasm dripping form my words he smiled at me. I could see Sophie in his eyes and my heart ached. ----------------------------
When Cameron left the next day Taylor arrived with a pregnancy test. He threw in across the counter where is slid to me. I looked at his blank stare and immediately felt embarrassed. I got the hint that he wanted to get this over with so I walked silently to the bathroom.
"I've been thinking about going to down to see Sophie." Cameron said to his mom as we sat across the table at dinner the next day.

"That would be great! Have some family time now that the family is back in tack." She looked at me with her gorgeous smile.  I just smiled and nodded back at her while thinking to myself 'for now at least'

"I always knew you two were too in love not to work things out."

I knew too. Somewhere in the back of my mind, behind the hatred I one felt towards Cameron Dallas, I was unconditionally in love with him. I knew one day we would see past our differences. When it was the right time we would find our way back to each other.

"Can we get the check please " Cameron waved to a waiter. To which arrived with in minutes with our check.
I unlocked the front door and cam ran say me towards the bathroom because he had complained about having to ore the whole ride home. I had my one day of normalcy and I knew this was when I had to tell him.

I grabbed the juice out of the refrigerator and poured in in a glass, taking a sip, and then tightening the cap and returning it to the fridge. I heard his footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I took a deep breath in.

"Cameron we need to talk."

"About this?" He threw the pregnancy test on the counter.

I looked down and stared at the little pink plus sign.

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