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After having Lydia write down Stiles for them as a clue, the pack had taken it upon themselves to try and figure out it meant so, as Lydia, Diana and Scott sat together in the library, they tried looking for anything and everything that could possibly lead them somewhere.

And when Diana said anything, she meant anything.

"Stile..." Scott read out from the dictionary he had in his hands. "An arrangement of steps that allows people but not animals, to climb over a fence."

"Yeah, somehow I don't think this is the Stiles we're looking for." Lydia said, as Diana nodded along with her words.

"Maybe Malia has found something." Scott offered, causing the blonde to shake her head without even looking up from her own book.

"No." She said. "She's taking a test today."

"Well, then... It's up to us, huh?" Lydia smiled a little, turning back to her computer as she tried to find anything that could help them on the internet.

The three of them stayed like that for a while, every other minute speaking up and showing the rest of them something they'd found only to be shot down when they realized whatever they found wasn't what they were looking for. That was, until, about forty minutes after they had gotten to the library, they heard a loud howl bouncing from the walls causing the three of them to lift their heads and exchang a look.

"I guess the test isn't going well." Lydia mumbled, as the three of them picked up their stuff and followed Scott as he followed Malia's scent toward the boiling room.

As the three kids stood by the door, hearing Malia's low growls from inside, Natalie Martin and sheriff Stilinski joined them and, after considering Malia was calm enough so that she wouldn't pounce on them as soon as Scott opened the door, the alpha pushed his way inside carefully as Lydia and Diana followed him in closely.

"Malia, it's okay. You're safe." Scott assured, trying to keep his voice steady yet gentle when Malia's coyote form came out from her hiding spot, growling and flashing her blue eyes at them. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

At that point, Malia had stopped growling, seemingly having heard Scott's words, but she still wasn't calm enough to shift back, as it seemed.

"She is calming down." Scott assured, but sheriff Stilinski was still a little worried.

"Maybe you should growl back?" He offered, causing Malia to growl again as Natalie yelped, surprised. "Scott, you're the alpha. Can you just make her a little more docile?"

At his words, Scott turned back to look at Malia, but Lydia shook her head when she widened her eyes in realization.

"She's not the problem. We are." She said. "This is her territory. We need to get out of here."

Malia growled again, her claws scratching against the floor as Scott nodded, agreeing with Lydia's words as he opened both of his arms to keep them in front of Lydia and Diana as he, slowly, started to take a few steps back, causing everyone behind him to begin to back off, leaving Malia's space.

"Malia came here to get through the full moons." Diana spoke up, once she figured they were far enough. "Then we got to the lake house."

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house." Natalie frowned as she turned to look at Lydia, who sighed, exasperated.

"Just be happy for the things I don't tell you." She said.

Hearing a noise behind them, the five of them turned around just in time to see Malia shifting back to her human form, seemingly unbothered and acting as if nothing had happened.

Unspoken - Book 6 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now