Pressure test

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Apparently, it wasn't just Quinn a werewolf to be attacked that night. Sheriff Stilinski had also found two other werewolves from Satomi's pack that were now locked away in a cell for murder. Which was why Scott and the rest of the pack reunited in the sheriff station, trying to convince the man to let them out with them.

"I'm not letting them out." Sheriff Stilinski said. "We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people."

"Hunters." Scott said, as the sheriff sent him a look.

"People, Scott." He corrected. "Self-defense or not, they're still here. The other guys are dead. And there's a process I have to follow."

"Yeah, but you know what's happening around here." Scott insisted. "It's not safe for them."

"This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills. At least I can protect them here."

"Would Stiles think that?" Lydia asked, as the sheriff turned to look at her.

"Especially if one of your deputies is working for Gerard?" Diana added.

"I'm not buying that." The sheriff shook his head. "I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their brothers and sisters... I know who they are, and I trust them."

"You know who they were." Liam said. "There's something out there. Everyone's afraid, and it's getting worse."

"Yeah, you can't protect two werewolves from hunters if they're already on the inside." Scott said, forcing sheriff Stilinski to consider his options for a second before turning around to look at Quinn, who had been sitting in the couch nearby, having been brought by Scott and the girls to the station after retelling her story before finding Diana to them.

"It's Quinn, right?" The sheriff asked, turning to look at the werewolf, who only nodded at him. "You sure it was a deputy who shot you? Absolutely one-hundred-percent sure?"

At that question, Quinn hesitated for a second, but when Diana sent her a small nod, she sighed.

"Yes." She said. "I saw flashing lights... A police car... I-I saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me. They shot me in the head. And that's all I remember."

"There are a couple holes in her story." Stilinski said, after a second as he turned to look at the kids again.

"Maybe because there's a hole in her head." Lydia said, causing Malia to laugh as everyone turned to her with raised eyebrows and she coughed a little, awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, as Scott shook his head at the girl before turning back to the sheriff.

"Sheriff, we need to get Jiang and Tierney out of here before anyone realizes that they're here." He said.

"And take them where?" Stilinski asked, almost exasperated. "I can't let them go."

"But if you keep them here, they're..."

"Look, if there's a problem..."

Before the sheriff could even properly argue, however, a small explosion was heard outside and a flash of light shined through the window. Almost out of instinct, the kids all ducked to the ground and, after a second of surprise, the deputies walked over to the windows to see what was going on. Pulling his curtains open a little, sheriff Stilinski sighed seeing about ten cars outside and double the number of people, all armed.

"Get away from the windows!" Sheriff Stilinski ordered as the kids all stood up again, but decided to take the man's advice and step away from the windows. "Put those guns away."

Unspoken - Book 6 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now