After images

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A/N: Bit of a surprise at the end of this chapter that I'm super excited to share, so let me know your thoughts ;)

"Brett is missing?" Diana asked, as she sat with Lydia in her car while the redhead drove the two of them to school.

"Yes." Lydia nodded. "Lori went looking for Scott."

"So they're looking for him?"

"Yes. And Malia and Liam too."

"And we're going to the school for..."

"I want to try and trigger a premonition." Lydia said. "And I... Kind of have a feel I should be there? I don't know."

"It's okay." Diana nodded. "No need to explain. Let's just... Go."

Lydia smiled then, happy that, no matter how weird her necessities were, Diana never questioned too much. Or at all. So when Lydia parked the car and climbed out, guiding Diana through the school to the chemistry lab, Diana just let her.

"What now?" Diana asked, as Lydia sighed.

"Well, last time we actually prompted a premonition, I was looking at a flame and wrote down Stiles' name." Lydia said. "So maybe we can try that?"

"Okay." Diana nodded. "You find paper and a pen. I'll get a flame."

And so, Lydia and Diana went to work, Lydia grabbing some stuff from a drawer nearby as Diana got a lighter and placed it in the middle of a table, as Lydia sat down by it. As she lit up the flame, Diana frowned, looking down at her phone when she felt it vibrating.

"Mason just texted me." Diana said. "Liam told him about Brett. He's here with Corey. They want to help."

"Not sure if they can, but if they stay quiet, they can come." Lydia shrugged, already concentrating on the flames.

Nodding her head, Diana texted Mason back, pulling a chair near Lydia as she prepared herself for a few minutes of dead silence as she kept Lydia company while she tried to hear anything. After about a minute of waiting, Diana snapped her head in the direction of the door, when it creaked open, glaring at Mason and Corey as she lifted a finger to her lips to tell them to be quiet.

"Sorry..." Mason whispered quietly as Diana just nodded at a couple chairs beside her causing the boys to nod as they moved to take a seat.

Once the younger boys got comfortable in their seats, Diana looked away from them, figuring they'd be okay for now and, looking down at her phone again, Diana bit her lip hard when she pulled open her last conversation with Stiles and read over his last text to her.

Stiles: so how's san francisco?

Sighing, Diana thought about an answer, not wanting to keep Stiles waiting for too long considering she had been missing quite a few of his calls now that she had tangled herself again in the supernatural stuff that just always seemed to suck her in. She hated having to lie to Stiles, but considering she knew that the second she told him about what was going on back home he'd jump at the first opportunity to come back, she didn't have much of an option.

Diana: okay. Didn't have much of a chance to walk around yet to be honest, though.

Diana's guilt only increased when she realized that, the second she sent Stiles her text, her boyfriend was already texting back to her.

Stiles: you should. We might end up living there for a while. I want to know all of the best places to be if we do.

Diana smiled then, one of her lips trapped in between her teeth as she tried not to cry. That was the plan, Stiles had told her. They'd do the long distance thing for the four years of their colleges - him in D.C. and Diana back in California. One month, he'd come and visit her and the next, she'd go visit him. When they were both graduated, Stiles hoped he could land himself an internship somehow in the San Francisco office of the FBI that he was sure he could get - which might have something to do with agent Rafael McCall, but no one needed to know the details - while Diana pursued a Masters maybe or tried to get some experience in counseling as she wanted. They'd stay there a few years, getting used to adult life together and, when they were ready, they'd come back to Beacon Hills. Stiles had a plan for that part of their life too, but that was a bridge they'd cross when it came to it. Now, Diana had to gulp down her guilt of lying to her boyfriend, assuring herself that she was doing her best to keep him safe.

Unspoken - Book 6 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now